English | MP4 | AVC 1280×720 | AAC 48KHz 2ch | 4.5 Hours | 601 MB
Create the VueJS 2.0 apps you always wanted. Build 5 apps, learn development secrets, VueRouter, Vuex, & more!
Become an in-demand software engineer by taking this tutorial on Vue Js. As one of the fastest growing frameworks for web development, learning Vue is a must. Simply put, understanding Vue will open doors and jobs for you.
This project-based course will have you coding right away. By building five carefully thought-out example applications, you will sharpen your skills in modern web development.
First, learn the essentials of Vue 2.0 by going through the main concepts and syntax. Then, build your first single-page app with Vue. Second, create an application that handles HTTP Web Requests in Vue and uses a public API. Extend upon this application next, learning VueRouter for multi-page applications. Fourth, build an application that works with Vuex to manage data. Finally, cap it all off by building an app with full authentication and a real-time database.
You’ll not only learn Vue 2.0, but essential libraries like VueRouter and Vuex. Vuex can have a reputation for complexity, but you’ll find in this course, a secret recipe that boils Vuex down to three simple steps!
Lastly, don’t worry if you’re new to web development. Some JavaScript experience will help, but this course explains every new concept thoroughly.
What Will I Learn?
- Build entire Vue JS, VueRouter, and Vuex applications from scratch.
- Develop apps that deal with APIs and web requests.
- Create web apps with a full authentication service, and real-time database.
Table of Contents
Introducing the Course
1 Introducing the Course
2 Introducing the Instructor
3 Introducing Vue
4 Installing Node
5 Installing a Code Editor
6 Forking the Repository
Understanding Vue Syntax and Essentials
7 Vue Syntax and Essentials
8 The Vue Instance
9 Directives and V-if
10 V-for for List Renderings
11 V-on for Clicking
12 Components
13 V-model and Computed Properties
14 Lifecycle Hooks
15 Section Overview Vue Syntax and Essentials
Building Notemaster Application One
16 Previewing Notemaster
17 Setting Up Notemaster
18 Using V-models for the Note Form
19 Adding Notes
20 Looping Through and Removing Notes
21 Section Overview Notemaster
Starbase Application Two
22 Previewing Starbase
23 Setting Up Starbase
24 Vue Files
25 Basic Styling with CSS
26 Coding Break Web Requests
27 Introducing the API
28 Creating a Character Component
29 Finalizing Character Behavior
30 Structuring the Characters
31 Section Overview Starbase
Starbase-Router Application Three
32 Previewing Starbase-Router
33 Setting Up Starbase-Router
34 Quickly Styling the App
35 Introducing VueRouter
36 Coding Break VueRouter
37 Router-Linking Different Pages
38 Developing the Data Component
39 Creating an Item Component
40 Adding the SwitchItem Method
41 Section Overview Starbase-Router
Jokester Application Four
42 Previewing Jokester
43 Setting Up Jokester
44 Understanding Vuex
45 Creating the Store
46 Mutating the Store
47 Acting Upon the Store
48 Coding Break The Vuex Recipe
49 Building a Joke Component
50 Adding One Joke at a Time
51 Removing Jokes
52 Filtering Jokes
53 Section Overview Jokester
Turnout Application Five
54 Previewing Turnout
55 Setting Up Turnout
56 Adding VueRouter
57 Introducing Firebase
58 Signing In
59 Storing Data with Vuex
60 Signing Out
61 Developing the Sign Up Component
62 Coding Break Authentication
63 Submitting Events
64 Adding a Realtime Database
65 Initializing Events in Store
66 Creating the EventItem Component
67 Section Overview Turnout
Concluding the Course
68 Final Remarks
69 Bonus Lecture Exclusive Course Discounts
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