English | MP4 | AVC 1280×720 | AAC 48KHz 2ch | 0h 40m | 150 MB
Discover tips and techniques that can make working in Microsoft Visual Studio simpler, faster, and more interesting. In this course designed for .NET developers, Walt Ritscher shines a spotlight on helpful shortcuts and productivity boosters for Visual Studio. He dives into a variety of topics, including filtering views, using custom keyboard commands, grouping files with tabs, duplicating code, and previewing files. Plus, learn about helpful extensions that augment the power of Visual Studio.
Table of Contents
1 Tips for .NET developers
2 How to access the sample code on GitHub
Tips for .NET Devs
3 Solution filters for customized project loading
4 Get a filtered file view in Solution Explorer
5 Solution Explorer and Scope to This
6 Add keyboard shortcuts for Git commands
7 Customize the editor for a given file extension
8 Sort and group your files with vertical tabs
9 Extension Text generator
10 Extension Code converter (VB to C#)
11 Duplicate lines of code
12 Browse the application in multiple browsers
13 Better output window with the MetaProject extension
14 Preview image and data files with the MetaProject extension
15 Next steps
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