The Ultimate HTML Developer 2020 Edition

The Ultimate HTML Developer 2020 Edition

English | MP4 | AVC 1280×720 | AAC 44KHz 2ch | 10 Hours | 4.68 GB

Learn HTML/HTML5 from scratch. Practice tasks and tests included. This is a beginner-friendly course!

The Ultimate HTML Developer 2020 Edition is the re-recorded, modernized and higher quality version of the original Ultimate HTML Developer Course.

This course is about teaching you proper HTML and HTML5. HTML is the structure behind every web page and you cannot create a website without using HTML, including mobile websites and cross-platform compatible HTML5 apps.

100% of all web development jobs require HTML knowledge. This course will take you from complete beginner to expert.

I’ve also designed this course in a special way to prepare you for the real world. We’ll look at real life HTML code, learn how to write HTML form scratch and how to “hack” up the source code of a website.

If you are interested in becoming a web developer.. learning HTML is the first step you MUST take (it’s not optional; everybody starts by learning HTML).

In this course you will learn everything you need to know about HTML and HTML5. Even if you know HTML, this course will teach you the ins and outs of HTML and challenge what you think you know.

This course specializes in HTML only. You will become n expert in just a few hours!

By the end of this course you will know as much HTML as a college student and you’ll be 100% ready to move on to the next step as a professional: CSS and JavaScript.

Throughout this course you’ll also be introduced to a little CSS so you’ll be prepared to take your next class after this one. You’ll also see a tiny bit of JavaScript. The idea is to lightly expose you to future subjects you’ll be learning without overwhelming you.

Main project: Create a full web page

At the end of the course you’ll be creating an entire web page on your own. It’ll have a navigation, header, footer, side bar, blog posts, images, and a video!

Mini projects

Mini projects are “tasks” at the end of nearly every video and they give you real life experience right away. Learning in small bite-size pieces has been proven to be the best way to learn. Watch a little video, write some code. Watch some more, write some more code.

Definitely test out everything you’re learning in each lesson. It’s completely safe to try anything in HTML; you can’t break anything with HTML so feel free to try EVERYTHING!

What you’ll learn

  • HTML
  • HTML5 (the most modern version of HTML)
  • XHTML (the strict version of HTML)
  • How to get started as a web developer
  • I’ll help you get your coding tools setup
  • Basic CSS
  • Live code written right in front of you
  • Tasks for practicing HTML at the end of almost every video
  • 4 modules modules with extensive quizzes that total over 75 questions
  • Guidance on what to learn after HTML
  • Learn how to read source code of any website
  • The ability to create your own website with using HTML.. from scratch!
  • The ability to read, write and understand HTML: The structure behind every website
Table of Contents

1 Introduction
2 What is HTML

Getting Started
3 Getting Started
4 Code Editing Programs
5 Browsers
6 Elements
7 Hello World
8 PageTab Titles
9 Doctypes
10 Attributes
11 Headers
12 Line Breaks
13 Bold vs. Strong
14 Italics vs. Emphasis
15 Underline
16 Code Comments
17 Links
18 Internal Links
19 Relative Links
20 Images
21 Block Elements vs. Inline Elements
22 Div Elements
23 Lists
24 Introduction to Tables Rows and Cells
25 Tables Merging Cells and Columns
26 Module Summary

Advanced HTML
27 The DOM
28 Introduction to XHTML
29 Inline CSS
30 CSS Crash Course Internal CSS
31 External CSS CSS Files
32 Code Formatting
33 Bold Italic Semantics
34 Head Elements
35 Meta Tags
36 Asset Pathing
37 Favicons
38 HTML Entities
39 Introduction to Forms
40 Input Elements
41 Textarea
42 Buttons
43 Dropdown Menus
44 New HTML5 Semantic Tags
45 Videos
46 MusicAudio
47 Introduction to Responsive Web Design

Your Project
48 Your Project Part 1
49 Your Project Part 2

50 Summary

The Ultimate HTML Developer E8 Edition
51 Introduction
52 What is HTML
53 How to Use
54 How to Ask Great Questions
55 Very Important
56 Developer Support Group
57 HTML Editors
58 HTML Browsers
59 HTML Elements
60 Hello World
61 HTML Title
63 HTML Attributes
64 HTML Headings
65 HTML Line Breaks
66 HTML Bold
67 HTML Italics
68 HTML Underline
69 HTML Comments
70 HTML Links
71 HTML Internal Links
72 HTML Images
73 HTML Block vs. Inline Elements
74 HTML Div
75 HTML Lists
76 HTML Tables
78 Dont Forget About This
80 HTML Inline CSS
81 HTML Internal CSS
82 HTML External CSS
83 HTML Classes
85 HTML Quotes
86 HTML Computer Code
87 HTML Strong and Emphasis
88 HTML Head Elements
89 HTML Metadata
90 HTML Favicon
91 HTML Entities
92 HTML Forms
93 HTML Form Element Attributes
94 HTML Input
95 HTML Textarea
96 HTML Button
97 HTML Select
100 HTML Semantics
101 HTML Video
102 pryme-video
103 HTML Audio
104 HTML Responsive Design