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Build a web app with Django // The #1 Web Development Framework for Python
Python is one of the best programming languages in the planet. Why? For a few reasons:
- It’s proven & scalable
- It’s open-source
- The Internet of Things and Raspberry Pi
- It’s leading the change for future technology
Proven & Scalable: Python runs Instagram’s backend. It also run’s Pinterest’s, NASA, Mozilla, and countless others. It scales.
Open-Source: Open source technology means **anyone** can change it. Literally anyone. Are you in New Zealand? Yup you can change the code. Are you in Argentina? Yup, go ahead change it. Open-source changes the game for everyone because we can all use it.
Internet of Things (IoT) and Raspberry PI Connected devices are coming in waves. The easiest way to connect to these devices is using the Raspberry Pi and writing code in Python. Python is versatile so it makes controlling real-world objects with Raspberry Pi simple.
Pushing the Bounds of Future Technology Python is leading the charge in artificial intelligence with things like OpenCV, TensorFlow, PyBrain, and many others.
Sooo… Python is cool but why is this called Try Django? What’s Django?
Django will be the backbone for your projects.
If you work with Python, the chances are good you need internet-connected data that stored securely and is reliable. This is where Django comes in. Django is a web-framework that can handle all of your data and handle it better than any web framework out there.
Django is the #1 Web Framework for Python for a reason: it’s easy enough for the beginners and yet powerful enough for the pros. Instagram uses Python by way of Django. So does Pinterest. And Nasa. And Mozilla. It may not be the only technology that they use but its… the backbone of them all.
If Python is the future behind underlying technology, Django will be it’s close cousin and if you love Python, Django will soon become your friend.
What Will I Learn?
- The fundamentals of Django
- Python 3 & Django 1.11
- Function Based Views & Class Based Views
- URL Routing
- Basic Database Integration
- Querying the Database
- Saving data in the database
- Best practices in Django
- Creating User Profiles
- Data Feeds
- Registration & Activation
- Setup Email to Send in Django
- Django Forms
- Form Validation
- Django & The Python Shell
- Integrating Bootstrap (only basics) to Django
- Building an Internal Search Engine
- Follow Buttons
- Go Live with Heroku
Table of Contents
Welcome to Try Django 1.11
1 Welcome to Try Django 1.11
2 Walkthrough
3 Getting Started with Django
4 For your Reference
5 What Django Does
HTML Django
6 Rendering HTML
7 Render a Django Template
8 Context in Django Templates
9 Template Inheritance
10 Include Template Tag
11 Reactivate Virtualenv
12 Class Based Views
13 Template View
Remembering Things
14 Remembering things with Models
15 More on Model Fields
16 Displaying Saved Data
17 Understanding QuerySets
18 Generic List View
19 Restaurant Profile Detail
20 SlugField Unique Slug Generator
21 Signal for Unique Slug
Forms Views Models and More
22 Slugs as URL Params
23 Get Single Items from the DB
24 Saving Data the Hard Wrong Way
25 The Power of Django Forms
26 The Extra Power of Django Model Forms
27 Simple Effective Validation
28 Letting Users own Data
29 Associate User to Form Data in FBV
30 Associate User to Data in Class Based View
31 Login Required to View
32 LoginView
33 Using Reverse to Shortcut URLS
34 Menu Items App
35 Menu Items Views
36 Limiting Form Field to QuerySet
37 Personalize Items
38 User Profile View
39 Style Profile with Bootstrap
40 Adding a Robust Search
Handling Users Followers
41 Follow Users
42 Follow Button Form
43 Following Home Page Feed
44 Register View
45 Activation Keys
Final Steps
46 Watch Go Live
47 Thank you
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