English | MP4 | AVC 1920×1080 | AAC 44KHz 2ch | 152 Lessons (17h 31m) | 4.53 GB
Learn Three.js by building your own projects. Taught by an industry professional, this course covers everything from beginner to advanced topics. If you’re a JavaScript developer who is serious about taking your coding skills and career to the next level by creating incredible interactive 3D experiences directly within a web browser, then this is the course for you.
We guarantee you that this is the most efficient and up-to-date Three.js course that you can find. Jesse will help you go from an absolute beginner to learning Three.js and getting hired as a Web or Game Developer with a specialization in 3D designs.
- Use the Three.js library to create and display 3D graphics on web browsers, making it easier and more accessible to create innovative and interactive 3D experiences
- Understand the principles behind Three.js including its architecture, core components, and how it interacts with WebGL
- Unlock the ability to build really innovative and interactive 3D experiences using WebGL directly within a web browser
- Learn how to utilize Blender to create custom models and export them for use in 3D applications
- Launch or accelerate your career as a Web Developer, Game Developer, VR Developer or 3D Artist
- Create an online personal portfolio in the form of a 3D browser-based video game that showcases 3D models and interactive visualizations
- Explore how to build interactive 3D applications using Three.js, including VR and game development
- Learn 3D graphics programming, including geometric transformations, lighting, materials, and texture
Table of Contents
1 Three.js Bootcamp Zero to Mastery
2 Three.js Examples
3 Wait…What is Three.js_
4 Prerequisite Knowledge
5 Three.js Documentation
6 Hacking the Example
7 Three.js Fundamentals
8 Installing Vite
9 Three.js Setup
10 Scene
11 Camera
12 Renderer
13 Starter Pack
14 FOV
15 Near and Far
16 Orbit Controls
17 Renderloop
18 Orthographic Camera
19 Other Controls
20 Resizing
21 Antialiasing
22 Antialiasing
23 Antialiasing
24 Starter Pack
25 Transforming Position
26 Vector3
27 Transforming Scale
28 Scene Hierarchy
29 Rotation
30 Rotation
31 Animating Meshes
32 Animating Meshes
33 Other Animations
34 Introduction
35 Buffer Geometry
36 Primitives
37 Extra Tweakpane
38 Materials vs. Textures
39 Material Types
40 MeshBasicMaterial
41 Mesh Lambert and Mesh Phong Materials
42 Mesh Standard and Mesh Physical Materials
43 Setup
44 Setup
45 Repeating Texture
46 Texture Offset
47 UV Maps
48 UV Mapping
49 PBR Maps
50 Normal Map
51 Height Map
52 AO Map
53 Putting it All Together!
54 Introduction and Ambient Light
55 Hemisphere Light
56 Directional Light
57 pointLight
58 spotLight
59 Setting spotLight Target
60 Rect Area Light
61 Putting it All Together!
62 Exercise Imposter Syndrome
63 Introduction
64 Adding Shadows
65 How Shadows Work
66 Shadow Properties
67 Shadow Properties
68 Shadow Map Types
69 Introduction
70 Planning Our Project
71 Adding Meshes
72 Planetary Orbit
73 Planet Array
74 Adding Materials
75 Automating Mesh Generation
76 Animating the Planet Array
77 Final Touches!
78 GLTF Introduction
79 Loading the Model
80 Load Async
81 Changing Loaded Model Properties
82 Working with Nested Meshes
83 DRACOLoader
84 Introduction and Prerequisites
85 Exporting and Importing Modules
86 Creating Our Classes
87 Creating Our Classes
88 Adding Objects
89 Zustand and Resizing
90 Introduction
91 Asset Array
92 Creating the AssetStore
93 Loading Our Assets
94 Preloader Progress
95 Preloader UI
96 Putting it All Together!
97 Introduction to Physics and Rapier
98 Getting Started
99 Dynamic Object
100 Fixed Objects
101 Physics Helper Functions
102 Auto Compute Cuboid Dimensions
103 Setting Absolute Position
104 Adding Fixed Objects
105 Auto Compute Ball Collider
106 Auto Compute Trimesh Collider
107 Putting it All Together!
108 Introduction
109 Input Controller
110 Using Arrow Keys
111 Preventing Unnecessary Updates
112 Controlling Our Mesh
113 Moving Dynamic Bodies
114 Moving Kinematic Bodies
115 Comparing Character Controllers
116 Introduction
117 Setting Up Our Body
118 Implementing Character Controller
119 Factoring in Framerate
120 Character Controller Properties
121 Introduction and First Person Camera
122 Basic Third Person Controller
123 Cleanup and Lerp
124 Ready Player Me
125 Preparing Assets for Mixamo
126 Adding Mixamo Animations
127 Previewing Our Animations
128 Setting Up Our Code
129 Adding Avatar to the Scene
130 Removing the Hitbox
131 Introduction to Animations
132 Playing an Animation
133 Animation Action Map
134 Transitioning Between Animations
135 Cleaning Up The Controller
136 Blender Introduction
137 Edit Mode
138 Starting Our Scene
139 Terrain and Assigning Materials
140 Adding Trees
141 Adding Extra Objects
142 Adding Portals
143 Exporting GLB
144 Code
145 Importing Our Scene
146 Targeting Scene Objects
147 Adding Shadows
148 Introduction and Recap
149 Setting up Portals
150 Detecting Player Distance
151 Final Touches
152 Thank You!
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