English | MP4 | AVC 1280×720 | AAC 44KHz 2ch | 7 Hours | 2.49 GB
Spring Tutorials : Discover Secrets of Successful Programming, Java Spring Framework
Spring Framework is a Java platform that provides comprehensive infrastructure support for Developing Java Applications. Spring handles the infrastructure so you can focus on Your Application.
This Spring Framework Course comes in Two Parts and together both Parts act as a Beginners Primer to the Core of the Spring Framework.
Part 1: Introduces Spring;
What is it? How and Why Spring came About?
I then look at some of the Best Practices for Java Application Design and Development which are used and encouraged by the Spring way of doing things!
Then jump into setting up an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for Spring Development and teach you some of the Very Fundamentals of Spring Configuration and Development.
Part 2: Providing You Comprehensive Coverage of all the key features of Core Spring with a Sound Practical Level of Depth.
Core Spring is a large subject area, by following this course you will gain an excellent knowledge and understand of this powerful and wonderfully flexible framework. The Knowledge Gained here will put you “Streets Ahead” in any Spring project, it will provide you with a firm foundation to help further your Spring Career when you start Learning other areas of this Excellent framework. Some of the key topics covered on this course are; BeanPostProcessors, What are they and How can you take advantage of them? Autowire bean configuration, Using Annotations for configuration, JSR-250 & JSR-330 with Spring, Event handling and using your own Custom Events in Spring, Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP), the ever more popular Java based Configuration rather than XML based and Testing your Java Spring application code. By the End of Part:2 of this Spring Framework Course, You will Understand all the Major components of Core Spring and How to apply them! You will be ready to join a Spring project and successfully Hold your own!! You will also have the knowledge to help you Learn New areas of the Spring framework with the Minimum of Effort!
Table of Contents
1 Introduction
2 Big Thank You!
3 A Brief History of Spring
Setting up your Spring development environment
4 Setting up Integrated Development Environment (IDE) – Spring Tool Suite (STS)
5 Setting up the Course Projects in STS
6 Tour of the Course Projects
Overview of some Java Design and Best Practices
7 Tight Coupling in Java Applications, Part: 1
8 Tight Coupling in Java Applications, Part: 2
9 Tight Coupling in Java Applications, Part: 3
Starting with the Spring Framework
10 Setting Up Maven Dependencies for the Spring Framework
11 Introduction to Spring Container Configuration in XML
12 Using the Spring Container
13 The ‘getBean’ methods
14 Setter Injection
15 Introduction to Constructor Injection
Dependency Injection – Collections
16 Injecting Collections (Part 1) Arrays
17 Injecting Collections (Part 2) Lists
18 Injecting Collections (Part 3) Maps
Bean Scopes
19 Bean Scope
The P & C Namespaces
20 Introducing the P-Namespace
21 Introducing the C-Namespace
Introduction to the Bean Lifecycle
22 Taking a look at the Bean Lifecycle
Introduction to the BeanPostProcessor
23 BeanPostProcessor (Part 1) Introduction
24 BeanPostProcessor (Part2) Ordering
Bean Inheritance
25 Bean Inheritance (Part 1) Introduction
26 Bean Inheritance (Part 2) with a Class Hierarchy
27 Inner Beans
Springs Autowire Mechanism
28 Introduction to Autowire
29 Autowire byType
30 Autowire using Constructor
Autowire using Annotations
31 Introduction to Autowire using Annotations
32 Autowire using Annotations on Constructor
33 Autowire using Annotations on Attributes
34 Autowire Compatible Types (Collections of same type of Beans)
35 Autowire using the Qualifier Annotation
JSR Annotations in Spring
36 JSR-250 Annotations
37 JSR-330 Annotations
Component Scanning
38 Component Scanning
39 Component Scanning using Naming
The Spring “Event” Mechanism
40 Using Events in Spring
41 Creating Custom Events
42 How to make the Spring Event Mechanism Asynchronous
Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP)
43 Introduction to Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP)
44 How Spring AOP Works
45 Enabling Spring AOP
46 Our First Aspect
47 Pointcuts
48 Pointcut Expressions
49 Advice (Part: 1) Other Types of AOP Advice
50 Advice (Part: 2) ‘After’ Advice
51 Advice (Part: 3) ‘Around’ Advice
52 JointPoint
53 AOP Introductions (Part: 1) What are AOP Introductions ?
54 AOP Introductions (Part: 2) How to setup Introductions
55 AOP Introductions (Part: 3) Setting up another Introduction
Configuring Spring with Java Config
56 Java Config (Part: 1) What is the Java Config Project ?
57 Java Config (Part: 2) Inter-Bean Dependencies
58 Java Config (Part:3) Importing Java Config Classes
59 Java Config (Part: 4) Migrate from XML Config to Java Config
Testing your Java Spring code
60 Introduction to Testing with Spring and JUnit
61 Testing (Part: 2) Test our 1st Spring Class with Junit
62 Testing (Part: 3) Interact with Spring Application Config in JUnit
63 Testing (Part: 4) Overview of JUnit functionality
64 Testing (Part: 5) Using Spring JavaConfig & JUnit
Externalizing Bean Configuration
65 Learn How to configure and use the PropertyPlaceHolderConfigurer
66 How to separate your externalized Live from your Test data
Spring & Internationalization ( I18N )
67 How to make your Spring application International (I18N)
68 Setting up I18N with JavaConfig & Testing
Congratulations …
69 Thank You !
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