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Create full-stack React app fast using CI/CD to deploy running on the cloud with Cognito, AppSync, Graphql, DynamoDB
Do you want to learn the secret of creating amazing performant apps, that scale on-demand, without expend days programing in front of the computer?
How long would take you to set up a full authentication system, with signin and signout screens, and email and/or SMS confirmation, and password reset? Would you guess a few days or hours?
With AWS Amplify you can have all that set up and working serverless in less than 10 minutes
And this course is not only the best resource you will find for Amplify but it is also the most up to date.
We will not only create a full-stack application working end to end but we will also learn along the way:
- How to create a CI/CD pipeline to deploy our website on merge.
- How to create a fully functional GraphQL API using AppSync with CRUD capabilities (Create, Read, Update, Delete)
- How to create queries, mutations, and subscriptions in GrapQL
- How to create and use an AWS S3 Bucket to serve and store images
- How to verify emails and SMSs using Cognito
- How to work with AWS Console
- How to use Semantic UI to make a beautiful application
- How to create and re-use custom hooks in React
and much, much more
Want to create breath taken applications amazingly fast, enrol now!
What you’ll learn
- Use and implement all of the major AWS services that are made available with Amplify
- How to deploy your app with AWS Amplify using CI/CD
- Rapidly build serverless React apps
- Develop a production-ready serverless backend API powered by AWS Amplify that scales to MILLIONS of requests
- Build realtime applications
- Use AWS Cognito
- Use AWS AppSync
- Use GraphQl
- Use DynamoDB
- React Hooks and React Custom Hooks
Table of Contents
Installing and Configuring Amplify
1 Installing the Amplify CLI
2 Configuring the Amplify CLI
Creating our React app
3 Creating our React app
4 Initialising AWS Amplify
5 Deploying our React website using AWS Amplify Console
6 Creating a CICD to our React App using Amplify
7 Testing our CICD pipeline for React
Creating Authentication on AWS and enforcing it on our React app
8 Creating a deploying a Authentication backend in AWS using Coginito
9 Installing React modules and configuring AWS Amplify in React
10 Creating the SignUp, SignIn, SignOut and Reset Password pages
Creating a Graphql API using Amplify
11 Creating the Graphql API in the backend using Amplify
12 Creating our Graphql Model
13 Creating our first Query and First Mutation
14 Querying our Graphql in AppSync from our React app
Making our Amplify App look amazing with Semantic-UI
15 Adding Semantic UI React to our project and creating a new Main Header
16 Create a Lists component to group our lists
17 Creating Items and Items groups with Semantic-UI React
18 Adding out page into a Container and adding Image and date to our list
Creating a floating button like on Material UI
19 Creating a floating action button in React
Creating a Modal using Semantic-UI
20 Creating a new modal using Semantic-UI
21 Adding all the fields on our modal
Managing the Modal State using React Hooks
22 Manage the state using useReducer
Creating a Graphql Mutations
23 Graphql mutation, add a new item to AppSync
Creating a Grahql Subscription
24 Graphql subscription, subscribing to real time updates in graphql
Some code Refactoring before continue
25 Refactoring the code, moving the modal status to the reducer
26 Cleaning up the subscription in useEffect
Creating a Graphql deletion and subscription
27 Deleting an item while calling dispatch from another component
28 Deleting a list from Graphql
29 Subscribing to onDelete mutation in AppSync
Creating the reusable editing modal
30 Create the Edit button, dispatch and reducer
31 Opening the edit modal
32 Creating a reusable modal
Updating the lists and creating a Subscription to update it
33 Updating the list
34 Subscribing to onUpdate subscription
35 Updating the values received on the subscription
Real Time Update is already here
36 Surprise, this app is already updating in real time
Creating our S3 bucket to store our images
37 Creating a S3 Bucket to keep our files
38 Creating an Upload Image Component to upload images to S3 Bucket
Retouching the UI and Refactoring the code
39 Making our new component look good using useRef to hide the input
Creating a Image Preview and uploading it to S3
40 Showing an image preview before update the image
41 Uploadind a Image to the S3 Bucket
Updating our Graphql model
42 Updating our Graphql database to have the imagekey
Creating a React Custom Hook to help with S3
43 Creating a custom Hook to upload to S3 Bucket
44 Using our React Custom Hook in our Modal
45 Checking the values in our DynamoDB and S3 Bucket
Loading our images from S3 on AWS
46 Loading our Image from S3
Enhancing our App with a Spinning loader
47 Adding a Spinning Loader while we load our Images
48 Stopping the spinner loaders once the image has loaded
Searchable models with Elastic Search
49 Understand why do we need to make our model searchable
50 Making the model searchable
Updating Amplify (if you need it)
51 Updating Amplify to the latest version
More about searchable queries and elastic search
52 Understand the searchable query and updating our lists
Creating new routes for our app using react-router and react-router-dom
53 Installing React Router Dom and creating a new Root Route
54 Adding a new Route on the React Router Dom
55 Creating Dynamic Routers and passing values to the new components
56 Adding Link from React Router Dom on your lists
New Header for the new route
57 Creating a Header for the List Page
Creating new list items using the GraphQl interface in AWS Amplify console
58 Crating some list items and our search query
Small Refectory
59 Refactoring the code to include all the routers inside main
Integrating our List and out List Component
60 Passing our list details to the list item component
61 Querying the app-sync for the list items using searchable
Searchable vs No Searchable
62 Understanding the difference between a searchable and a not searchable models
63 Creating our searchable query
Creating a custom query using GraphQl in App-Sync
64 Creating a app-sync custom query
65 Displaying our list items
Adding authentication and authorisation the the different end point
66 Adding auth to our GraphQl endpoints
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