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Build Python Web Applications from Beginner to Expert using Python and Flask
The Complete Python Web Developer Course will lead you down a path of understanding and skill that may well, with work and patience, result in an income boost or a career change.
It is a one-stop-shop covering everything you need to start having ideas and creating Python web applications that engage visitors and provide them with value. In addition, I’ll always be available to help you further your learning and explore more avenues for success.
What do you have to do?
You’ll have immediate access to 8 carefully designed sections, each teaching and guiding you into creating a web application using Python: your challenge. I’ve created thorough, extensive, but easy to follow content which you’ll easily understand and absorb.
I recommend taking your time, as software development doesn’t happen overnight. Each section should take approximately one week, including developing the weekly challenge, reading around the subject, and practising further.
The course starts with the basics, including Python fundamentals, programming, and user interaction.
Then we will move onto how the internet works, making web requests and parsing webpages to get data from them using Python.
Now that you’ll have all the knowledge required, we’ll introduce our database of choice, MongoDB, and then proceed into creating our first Python web application: a blog where users can register and publish posts.
Then we will create a fantastic Python web application to notify you when prices of items in online stores go down; a really useful web app!
During all this, we’ll be learning about deploying our Python web applications, making it performing so it can scale to thousands of users, and usability and security issues.
Over the entire course you will learn:
- Python
- Responsive Design with Bootstrap
- JavaScript
- jQuery
- MongoDB
- Linux (UNIX)
- APIs (both creating them and interacting with them)
- Deployments to Heroku and DigitalOcean
What else will you get?
- A friendly community to support you at all times
- Personal contact with me: I’m always available to answer questions and help out
- Lifetime access to course materials, even as more are released (and they are, very often!)
- Hands-on learning to ensure you’re absorbing everything
- A true understanding of the concepts of software development, design, and operations
By the time you’re done with the course you’ll have a fantastic set of fundamentals and extensive knowledge of Python and web development, which will allow you to easily continue learning and developing more and more advanced and engaging web applications.
It doesn’t matter how old you are or what you do professionally. I guarantee that anyone can benefit from learning web development and Python, but especially web application development.
What you’ll learn
- Design, develop, and deploy engaging web applications using Python and web languages
- Understand the way the internet works from the point of view of all development areas
- Develop applications that use MongoDB databases
Table of Contents
Your Age in Seconds
1 Get the course e-book!
2 Introduction
3 Join the live chat for discussions and Q&A
4 Installing Python
5 Integers and Strings
6 Variables in Python
7 Solution to coding exercise: creating variables
8 Methods print(), str(), and int()
9 Solution to coding exercise: print, str, and int
10 The format() method
11 The .format() cheatsheet
12 Solution to coding exercise: format()
13 Getting user input with the input() method
14 Solution to coding exercise: user input
15 Creating our own methods in Python
16 Solution to coding exercise: creating functions
17 If statements in Python
18 Solution to coding exercise: if statements
19 Section 1 assignment video
20 The Age Program Python Code
Price of a Chair
21 Our Development Environment
22 Creating virtual environments for Python development
23 Our Age application in PyCharm
24 (aside) Tweaking PyCharm
25 Understanding JSON and XML
26 Making our first HTTP GET request
27 Finding our chair price parsing HTML
28 Parsing HTML data using BeautifulSoup
29 Why scraping sometimes fails
30 Using the price as a number
31 What’s a Browser program Python Code
A simple terminal Blog
32 Our MongoDB e-book
33 Installing MongoDB
34 MongoDB FAQ
35 Introduction to MongoDB
36 Creating a PyCharm project that uses MongoDB and pymongo
37 Simplifying lists in Python with list comprehension
38 Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming
39 Creating our first class, the Post
40 Creating a Database class for database interactions
41 The last few Post methods
42 Having default parameter values in Python methods
43 Understanding dates in Python: the datetime module
44 Verifying that the Post methods all work
45 The Blog class and @classmethods
46 Verifying the Blog methods all work
47 Starting the menu and user interactions
48 Finalising the Menu class
49 Finally, running the application!
50 Terminal Blog program Python Code
Our first web application
51 Introduction to REST APIs
52 How can we make our own API? What is Flask?
53 Python cls() and argument unpacking
54 Creating the User model for our application
55 Starting developing the User model
56 Creating the login and register
57 Finding blogs by a specific author
58 Allowing creation of blogs and posts
59 Creating the static resources and templates
60 Our first template in Jinja2
61 Beginning CSS styling of pages
62 The user login page
63 The user registration page
64 Using Bootstrap for the first time for great styling
65 How can we display a list of blogs?
66 Displaying a list of posts
67 The Jinja2 if statement for structure control
68 Creating new blogs (front-end)
69 Finalising the application by allowing to create posts!
70 The Web Blog program Python Code
[2019] Price alerts for online web-stores
71 Creating new Python projects in PyCharm 2019
72 What are Flask Blueprints?
73 Creating our new app structure
74 Getting page content with requests
75 How to find the price on a website
76 Getting an element’s content with BeautifulSoup
77 Using RegEx to get specific information from a string
78 Creating our Item model
79 Adding type hinting to our application so far
80 Starting up MongoDB and making sure it’s working
81 Preparing our Item model for saving in MongoDB
82 Inserting Items into MongoDB
83 Retrieving Items from MongoDB
84 Notifying users in a simple way when the price is reached
85 What is an abstract class in Python?
86 Making more methods generic
87 Finishing up the Model superclass
88 How to force a subclass to have properties of a parent class
89 Type hinting the current object type in a method return
90 Creating items through the web interface
91 Styling our site using Bootstrap 4
92 Creating the Items blueprint
93 Creating a page to show all items
94 Creating alerts through the web interface
95 A couple problems and solutions with our app… and our way moving forward
[2019] Developing a complete front-end with Bootstrap 4
96 Introducing stores to our application
97 Getting rid of items
98 Testing our app with stores
99 Dataclasses in Python 3.7
100 Turning our models into dataclasses
101 Giving names to alerts in our application
102 Saving the last item price
103 Creating stores through the web interface
104 Editing alert properties
105 Linking the alert index to the edit page
106 Editing stores
107 Deleting alerts
108 Deleting stores
109 Registering users
110 Encrypting passwords in Python with passlib
111 Logging in
112 Viewing only your own alerts
113 What are Python decorators?
114 Limiting some pages only to logged in users
115 Adding a navigation bar using Bootstrap
116 Limiting actions to admins only
117 Logging out
118 Signing up with Mailgun
119 Sending e-mail with Mailgun
120 Creating the landing page
Simple development-stage deployments to Heroku
121 Signing up for GitHub
122 Forking the GitHub repository from the last section
123 How to install Git on Windows
124 How to use the Windows Git Shell
125 How to install Git on Mac
126 How to install Git on Linux
127 Cloning the Git repository from GitHub onto your computer
128 File statuses and stages in Git
129 How to generate an SSH key for GitHub
130 Git commands: git commit and git push
131 Git command: git log to check previous commits
132 Signing up to Heroku
133 Installing the Heroku Toolbelt (Command-Line Interface)
134 Creating a new Heroku app
135 [New 2019] Changes to Heroku deployments
136 Getting values from environment variables in Python
137 Setting the environment variables in Heroku
138 Setting up Heroku required files in our project so Heroku knows what to run
139 Committing and pushing the new files to GitHub
140 Adding servers on Heroku (called ‘scaling dynos’)
141 Deploying our app to Heroku
142 Adding MongoLab to our Heroku app as an add-on
143 How to create a new MongoLab user
144 Changing our program’s database URI to match MongoLab’s
145 Using the Heroku logs to fix an Internal Server Error
146 Running our deployed app in Heroku
147 Another error: using the URI default database
148 Verifying the app works, and next steps in the course
Deploying your apps manually to a server
149 DigitalOcean Droplets
150 Creating a DigitalOcean Droplet
151 Creating a non-root user
152 Configuring our new user
153 Installing Python in Ubuntu
154 Installing MongoDB in Ubuntu
155 Getting our application code
156 Configuring uWSGI and the system service
157 Configuring nginx
158 Creating a cron job in Ubuntu
159 Course conclusion. Thank you!
160 Bonus lecture and next steps
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