English | MP4 | AVC 1280×720 | AAC 48KHz 2ch | 19h 15m | 4.30 GB
Ruby on Rails – Imagine, design, build web apps and bring your dreams to life with Rails 5
This course teaches you to build and design web apps and you will learn to build real-time features such as chatrooms with ease. This course is for students of all levels and backgrounds; those who have no experience in programming at all; those who have worked with other web app development frameworks but want to make the switch to or try Ruby on Rails; and also for students who have tried Ruby on Rails in the past but want to take their skills to the next level. Ruby on Rails has rapidly become one of the most powerful tools for building web applications for startups and existing software houses. It’s perfect for entrepreneurs or startups looking to rapidly prototype their ideas and bring them to life. Some key aspects of this course are working with git for version control and GitHub as a code repository; building your own authentication system from scratch using the default Rails stack, including admin features, log in/logout, and signup; working with Bootstrap for UI, Amazon Web Services for file/image hosting, and gravatars; and more.
This course provides a very structured approach to teaching Rails and how to use it to implement ideas. It teaches techniques to make the code work. There are video lectures, text follow-up lectures after each video lecture, homework, challenge projects, and monthly code challenges. This course focuses strongly on practice and understanding the fundamentals. Most of the code is written from scratch, limiting the use of shortcuts and generators, and with absolutely no scaffolding or magic. This is accomplished by diving right in and using a pre-configured Ruby on Rails development environment in the cloud, eliminating the time and effort required to set up a local development environment and the roadblocks that go with it.
What You Will Learn
- Build web apps using Ruby on Rails
- Build automated test suites for complex web applications
- Become a confident web application developer
- Compete for the highest paying junior developer jobs
- Get proficient in back-end development
- Start your own business by bringing your ideas to life
Table of Contents
Getting started with Ruby on Rails
Preview of the final project app built in the course
What are web applications?
Learn Ruby by trying Ruby (link updated and provided in previous text lecture)
Set up your development environment
Familiarity with IDE and command line
Install Ruby on Rails 5
Components of a Rails app
A closer look at components
Start your first Rails app and build homepage!
About page and homework!
Create a table and what is CRUD?
Rails console
Wrap up section 1 – Assignments
The Front-End Interface
A look at <% vs <%=
Start a new todo from the UI
Complete creating todos from UI
Add flash and show
Version control with Git and Github
Edit action
A closer look at iteration with .each
Index view and links
Destroy, refactor and homework
Front-end styling and production deploy
Production deploy and start main project app
Install Bootstrap and start homepage
Part 2 – Install Bootstrap and build homepage
Learn/Practice HTML and CSS
Build homepage and add styling
Complete homepage
Associations and full on Rails MVC
Associations intro and view updates
One to many association and foreign key
Complete discussion on one to many associations
Create tables and models
Test Driven Development – validations for model
TDD – Build chefs
Complete chef model
One-to-many association between chefs and recipes
Restful routes
TDD to build index action
TDD and complete index
Use TDD to build show recipe
Complete show recipe
Add profile image and refactor code
Complete profile image feature
Start new recipe
New form
TDD to create new recipes
Complete create new recipes feature
Add flash feature
Start edit recipes feature
Complete edit recipes feature
Delete recipes and test
Refactor code and wrap section material
Project: Styling and testing resource
Working with users – Chefs, Authentication system
Intro to the section and chefs
Add has_secure_password and clean up tests
Add signup form for new chefs
TDD to create a chef
Show chef feature
Edit chef feature
Chefs listing feature
Add pagination to views
Delete chefs feature
Intro to login and authentication
Logging in and out
Authentication methods
Cleaning up layout of application
Complete layout update and add tests
Add controller restrictions
Add admin user functionality
Complete admin user functionality and deploy!
Project for section – Build authentication system for another app
Project 2 for section
Many to many associations, multiple associations, nested routes
Intro to many-to-many associations
Build ingredients and comments
Build comment model and associations
Build ingredients listing
Ingredients show page and navigation
Complete ingredients
Add ingredients at recipe creation
Build comments show and create
Complete comments feature
Project for section completion – Meetups!
Realtime Rails – ActionCable – ChefChat and Comment
Introduction to ActionCable and real-time Rails
Complete realtime comments
Deploy to heroku with ActionCable – setup
Start chatroom – messages
Build messages and style
Style the chatroom
Make messages realtime
Finish ChefChat – Part 1
Finish ChefChat – Part 2
Challenge Projects
Project 1: Likes project
Project 2: Images project
Thank you!
Mac users – Steps to setup local development environment
Resolve the captcha to access the links!