English | MP4 | AVC 1280×720 | AAC 48KHz 2ch | 17h 57m | 7.87 GB
Go one-on-one with world-renowned Photoshop expert Deke McClelland in this comprehensive course. Part one of a three-part series, this is your chance to learn more about Photoshop than anyone you’ve ever met, possibly more than you even thought possible. It’s everything you need to know, in the order you need to know it, complete with exciting examples and practical advice. Deke shows how to open images, modify image size and resolution, and crop and straighten photographs. You can learn how to adjust brightness and contrast, correct color cast, and retouch portrait photos. Deke shows how to work with layers, leverage the Quick Mask mode, and develop photos in Camera Raw. He also covers text, printing, and the web. Come with questions, leave with answers—and a real sense of accomplishment.
Topics include:
- Opening an image from the Windows desktop or Macintosh Finder
- Navigating an image by zooming, panning, and rotating the view
- Customizing your workspace
- Changing image size and resolution
- Cropping and straightening photographs
- Working with layers
- Saving your progress
- Adjusting brightness and contrast
- Balancing colors and eliminating color cast
- Making complex, organic selections
- Working with the Quick Mask mode
- Retouching faces and portrait photos
- Cloning and healing
- Using the intelligent Content-Aware options
- Developing a digital photograph in Camera Raw
- Creating and formatting type
- Printing images with accurate color
- Creating web graphics
Table of Contents
1 Welcome to One-on-One
2 How it all starts
3 Opening from the Windows desktop
4 Opening from the Macintosh Finder
5 The home screen and the Open command
6 Opening an image from Adobe Bridge
7 Opening an image in Camera Raw
8 Closing one image or all at once
9 Navigating your image
10 Zooming in and out
11 Using the more precise Zoom tool
12 Five ways to zoom continuously
13 Entering a custom zoom value
14 Scrolling (panning)
15 A few top-secret scrolling tricks
16 Switching between open images
17 Rotating and resetting the view
18 Cycling between screen modes
19 Using the Navigator panel
20 Panels and workspaces—do not skip!
21 Updating a workspace
22 A few very important preferences
23 Reassigning Spotlight (Mac only)
24 Digital imaging fundamentals
25 Image size and resolution
26 Introducing the Image Size command
27 Common resolution standards
28 Upsampling vs. real high-resolution data
29 Changing the print resolution
30 Downsampling for print
31 Downsampling for email and photo sharing
32 The seven interpolation settings
33 Real-world rules for downsampling
34 Upsampling with Preserve Details 2.0
35 Too many pixels
36 Introducing the Crop tool
37 Cropping nondestructively
38 Aspect ratio and other tricks
39 Rotating the image as you crop it
40 Working with the reference point
41 Finessing a crop with Canvas Size
42 Using Content-Aware Crop
43 Content-Aware bloopers Part 1
44 Content-Aware bloopers Part 2
45 Using the Straighten tool
46 Straightening with the Ruler tool
47 Using the Perspective Crop tool
48 The layered composition
49 Introducing the Layers panel
50 Converting the flat background to a layer
51 Customizing the transparency checkerboard
52 Turning a color photo black and white
53 Creating a silhouette with Brightness Contrast
54 Creating a new layer and painting on it
55 Simple tricks for painting with the Brush tool
56 Distinguishing black from non-black pixels
57 Moving an image between documents
58 Expanding the canvas to accommodate a layer
59 Auto-Select and the Move tool
60 Employing a clipping mask
61 Working with Opacity and blend modes
62 Five ways to duplicate layers
63 Scale, rotate, and layer mask
64 Filling a selection with color
65 The many, many ways to save
66 Five essential things to know about saving
67 Saving layers to the native PSD format
68 Saving a flat print image to TIFF
69 Saving an interactive image to PNG
70 Saving a flat photograph to JPEG
71 Luminance and how it relates to color
72 How luminance works
73 The three Auto commands
74 Automatic Brightness Contrast
75 Custom Brightness Contrast
76 Applying a dynamic adjustment layer
77 Adjustment layer tips and tricks
78 Isolating an adjustment with a layer mask
79 Introducing the Histogram
80 Putting the Histogram to use
81 Reducing contrast with Shadows Highlights
82 One more power-user technique
83 Color resides in the eyes of the beholder
84 Identifying the color cast of a photo
85 Correcting a color cast automatically
86 Manually adjusting colors with Color Balance
87 Adjusting a color cast with Photo Filter
88 Correcting color cast in Camera Raw
89 Adjusting color intensity with Vibrance
90 Introducing Hue Saturation
91 Using the Targeted Adjustment tool
92 Summoning colors where none exist
93 Making even more color with Vibrance
94 Creating a quick-and-dirty sepiatone
95 Customizing your color wheel
96 Power of selection in Photoshop
97 Using the geometric Marquee tools
98 Painting with the Quick Selection tool
99 Add, subtract, and intersect selections
100 Turning a selection into a layer mask
101 Aligning a layer to a selection
102 Working with the Magic Wand tool
103 Saving and loading selections
104 Refining the quality of a selection
105 Adding clouds to your composition
106 Enhancing the drama of your scene
107 Conquering the Quick Selection tool
108 Using each of the three Lasso tools
109 Drawing a freeform shadow with the Lasso
110 Colorizing a layer with Color Overlay
111 Painting selections
112 Combining the best of the selection tools
113 Introducing the Quick Mask mode
114 The fastest way to save a selection
115 Gauging the quality of a selection
116 Painting adjustments with the Brush tool
117 Adding motion blur with the Smudge tool
118 Reversing a mask with Invert
119 Applying a special-effects filter
120 Smoothing a badly stroked edge
121 Selecting all the black lines
122 Expanding and contracting a selection
123 Your best face forward
124 Correcting very bad colors
125 Cloning, Healing, and Content-Aware
126 Create Texture and Proximity Match
127 A closer look at Content-Aware cloning
128 Painting with the Spot Healing Brush
129 Healing Brush tips and tricks
130 Shift-clicking to heal in straight lines
131 Using the standard Healing Brush
132 Flipping and rotating the source data
133 Using the Dodge and Burn tools
134 Whitening teeth with the Sponge tool
135 Reshaping details with the Liquify filter
136 Selectively recoloring details
137 Smoothing skin textures with blur
138 Nondestructive dodging and burning
139 The most powerful Photoshop plugin
140 Applying Camera Raw as a filter
141 The nondestructive Camera Raw
142 Handling a Camera Raw image in Photoshop
143 Capturing raw images and converting to DNG
144 Opening and developing a raw photograph
145 Opening the raw photo in Photoshop
146 Opening and editing multiple images
147 Highlights, Shadows, Whites, and Blacks
148 Clarity and Chromatic Aberration
149 Adjusting the Dehaze value
150 HSL and the Targeted Adjustment tool
151 Using the Spot Removal tool
152 Removing unwanted image elements
153 Cleaning up with the Patch tool
154 Vector-based type in Photoshop
155 Creating and scaling a line of type
156 Integrating type with imagery Part 1
157 Integrating type with imagery Part 2
158 Formatting type from the options bar
159 Formatting type from the Character panel
160 Finding the perfect font
161 Type size and script fonts
162 Creating and editing paragraph text
163 Adjusting leading and paragraph spacing
164 Setting the antialiasing for very small text
165 Aligning one layer to another
166 Creating text along a circle
167 Finding a character with the Glyphs panel
168 Double-stroking a circle
169 Creating a distressed cancellation mark
170 Print from RGB, not CMYK
171 Using my customizable printer test file
172 Print, size, and position
173 Using printer-specific options on the PC
174 Using printer-specific options on the Mac
175 Brightening your image for print
176 Description and printing marks
177 Establishing a borderless bleed
178 Previewing an image at print size
179 Images on the wild wild web
180 Assigning copyright and contact info
181 Copyrighting multiple images at a time
182 How color works on the web
183 Quick Export as PNG
184 Quick Export as JPEG
185 Introducing the old-school Save for Web
186 Saving an 8-bit GIF or PNG
187 Saving an animated GIF file
188 Exporting vector-based layers to SVG
189 Exporting multiple layers and groups
190 Until next time
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