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Parse Server development course. Learn how to create backend (BAAS) apps like Instagram, Twitter using Swift 4 and iOS11
Are you an iOS Developer looking to learn how to use the Parse Server API for your apps backend? Do you want to develop cloud-based iOS apps like instagram, Twitter, Facebook and you don’t know where to start? Do you want to increase your job prospects by learning one of the most powerful BAAS (Backend As A Service) solution in the market? If you are ready to take your development skills to the next level then this course is for you.
In this course I will teach how to use the Parse Server open source backend for your iOS app development. We’ll create iOS/iPhone app that will use most of the Parse Server API functions. You will learn how to install Parse Server within 20 minutes of enrolling in the course.
You will learn some of the basics but important API calls and then we’ll dive into developing a basic Twitter-like app where you will be able to save message to the backend, retrieve saved messages, write queries with constraints and modify records in the backend.
You will learn some of the cool APIs that make writing codes so easy. I’ll show you wrong ways of doing things and then show you the correct way.
By the end of this course you will be able to;
- Call yourself a backend developer
- Create a cloud based app such as Twitter, Instagram and Facebook
- Accept any job that requires a cloud storage solution
- Increase your confidence as a developer
- Know Parse Server API in-depth and be ready to explore more
What Will I Learn?
- Develop complex cloud-based apps like Instagram and Twitter
- Understand Parse Server framework in-depth
- Be confident in your ability to develop a backend for any app
Table of Contents
Introduction to the course
1 Introduction
2 Quick overview of how things work
Quick 20 minutes Parse Server setup
3 Heroku registration and setup
4 Set up Xcode project
5 Write first Parse code to save data to the cloud
6 App Transport Security setting
7 Parse dashboard setup
8 Use Cocoapods to install Parse SDK
9 Links and Resources
Quick Intro To Parse API
10 Another way to save PFObject
11 Retrive object where you know the object ID
12 Retrieve first object from the database
13 Updating an object and saving it back to the database
14 Delete an object from the database
15 Retrieve multiple records from the database
16 How to order records
17 Set limit on query results
18 Where clause to filter or constrain query results
19 Multiple constraints on a query
20 Compound queries – performing an OR query
21 Counting objects in the background
22 Other data types arrays dictionaries boolean
Noteworthy Information
23 App Sleeping on Heroku
24 Install Parse Server from within Heroku using element button
25 Add new row columns class and delete objects from Parse dashboard
Introduction to the Mini Twitter App Development
26 Design the home screen of the mini Twitter App
27 Design the login storyboard
28 Check to see the users login status using the PFUser class
29 Set up registration and login custom controllers and actions and outlets
Parse User Registration Login and Logout Implementation
30 Set up Parse user registration
31 Create a Helper class
32 Complete the registration screen with alerts and return home if successful
33 Parse user login implementation
34 Parse user logout implementation
Post Data to Parse Server
35 Set up post view controller
36 Save a new message to Parse from post screen
37 Make textview a first responder
38 Add couple more data into the Parse database
Fetch Records From Parse Database
39 Create custom class and connect the cell outlets
40 Fetch all data from the backend and set up table view datasource functions
41 Display all the data in the table view
42 Configure label number of lines and test likes and comments
Implement Likes Comments and Flag Features
43 Set up likes and comments click events
44 Like function logic and implementation
45 Add unique object for key implementation for likes
46 Efficient code vs codes that work
47 Set up the comments screen user interface
48 Set up outlets and actions for the comment view controller
49 Send selected object to the comment screen
50 Display comments from the objects on the comment screen
51 Change the text label property of the cell
52 Implement the comment function
53 Reload the data from backend when the user return to the home screen
54 Parse dashboard error
55 Flagged feature implementation
56 Increment key function for better implementation
My Album App – Learn PFAnonymousUtil PFFile PFIImageView PFConfig and Pointer
57 Introduction to the starter project
58 Introduction to anonymous users
59 Another way to enable anonymous user
60 Pick photo from the photo library
61 How to save images as PFFile to Parse
62 Create a Parse Custom Class
63 Update the save code with custom class
64 Set up table view and query the album data
65 Custom query inside the Parse custom class
66 Delegate tasks to the custom table view cell
67 Retrieve PFFile from an object and convert to Image
68 Pointers and include key query
69 Display the username of the user
70 Add a Profile Screen and add Parse UI library
71 Display image using the PFImageView function
72 How to implement Unwind segue
73 How to use the PFConfig parameters
74 Project file
Assignment Code File Future Plans and Conclusion
75 Assignment
76 Future Plans
77 Complete Xcode Project Download
78 Conclusion
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