English | MP4 | AVC 1280×720 | AAC 44KHz 2ch | 61.5 Hours | 32.9 GB
Learn Java SE programming. A Practical approach to learn Java. Become a Java Expert
The course consists of JAVA features, Java SE
Concept of programming are made simple and easy.
Every topic is explained with real-life examples.
This course is designed to make you familiar with JAVA Programming in detail.
By the end of the course you will understand Java extremely well and will be able to build your own Java applications.
After completion of the course, you will be as productive as a software developer.
The course is taken right from basics to all the features in JAVA.
Basic topics like – Methods, Object-Orientation and Inheritance are explained.
Features like – Multithreading, AWT, Swing, Collection Framework and Networking are also covered in a detailed manner.
Who this course is for
Beginner in java programming, want to learn in-depth java programming
This course is ultimate for absolute beginners and the intermediate looking to improve their aptitude to expert level
Students who want to learn java perfectly
Course Contents:
- Introduction to Java
- Setup Java Environment.
- Operator and Expressions.
- String Class and Printing.
- Conditional Statements.
- Loops.
- Arrays.
- Methods.
- Object-Oriented Programming.
- Inheritance.
- Abstract Classes
- Interfaces
- Inner Classes
- Static and Final
- Packages
- Exception Handling
- Multithreading
- java.lang Package
- Annotations and Javadoc
- Lambda Expressions
- Java IO
- Collection Framework
- Network Programming
- Swing
What you’ll learn
- Learn Java Programming for Standard Edition Java SE
- Learn Multithreaded Programming
- Learn GUI Programming
Table of Contents
1 Instructor’s Note
2 Download and Install JDK
3 First Java Program using Notepad
4 Skeleton of Java Program
5 Exploring First of Skeleton Program
6 Reading from Keyboard
7 Reading with Scanner
8 Student Challenge Write your First Java Program
Data Types – Variables and Literals
9 Data Types
10 Check Size and Range of Data Types
11 What are Variables
12 Rules for Variables Names
13 What are Literals
14 Integral Data Types in Detail
15 Check Binary Bits of an Integer
16 Float and Character Datatypes in Detail
17 Visiting UniCode.org
Setup Java Environment
18 Installing Notepad++
19 Installing Eclipse
20 Installing NetBeans
21 Installing IntelliJ
Features and Architecture
22 Compiler vs Interpreter
23 How Java is Platform Independent
24 Platform Independent Demo
25 JVM Architecture
26 JVM Architecture Details
27 Features of Java
Operator and Expressions
28 Arithmetic Operators and Expressions
29 Practice Arithmetic Operators
30 Student Challenge Calculate Area
31 Student Challenge Quadratic Equation
32 Student Challenge Cuboid
33 Increment and Decrement Operators
34 Practice Increment and Decrement Operators
35 Bitwise Operator – AND , OR & XOR
36 Bitwise Operator – Left Shift , Right Shift & NOT
37 Practice Bitwise Operators
38 Bit Masking and Merging
39 Student Challenge Masking and Swapping
40 Widening and Narrowing
String Class and Printing
41 Printing using System.out.println
42 Formatted Output #1
43 Formatted Output #2
44 String Object
45 Creating String Objects
46 String Methods #1
47 Practising String Methods
48 String Methods #2
49 Practising String Methods 2
50 String Methods #3
51 Practising String Methods 3
52 Regular Expressions
53 String Matching with Regular Expressions
54 Student Challenge String methods
55 Student Challenge Regular Expression #1
56 Student Challenge Regular Expression #2
Conditional Statements
57 Relational and Logical Operators
58 Conditional Statements
59 Practising Conditional Statement
60 Student Challenge 3 Simple Tasks
61 Student Challenge Find Radix
62 Student Challenge Type of Website
63 Switch Case
64 Practising Switch Case
65 Student Challenge Day in Words
66 Student Challenge Menu Driven Program
67 while Loop and do..while Loop
68 Practising Loops
69 for Loop
70 Practising For Loop
71 Student Challenge Factorial
72 Student Challenge Armstrong Number
73 Student Challenge Palindrome
74 Student Challenge Display Number in Words
75 Student Challenge Fibonacci
76 Nested Loops
77 Student Challenge Patterns1
78 Student Challenge Patterns2
79 Student Challenge Patterns3
80 One-Dimensional Arrays
81 Practising 1D Array
82 Student Challenge Find Second Largest Element
83 Student Challenge Rotation of Array
84 Student Challenge Increasing Size of Array
85 Two-Dimensional Array
86 Practising 2D Array
87 Student Challenge Matrix Multiplication
88 What are methods
89 Writing Methods
90 Passing Object as Parameters
91 Practising Object Passing
92 Parameter Passing in Java
93 Student Challenge Find Prime number
94 Method Overloading
95 Practising Method Overloading
96 Student Challenge overload Validate method
97 Variable Arguments
98 Practising Variable Arguments
99 Student Challenge Calculate Discount
100 CommandLine Arguments
101 Student Challenge Sum. of Numbers from CommandLine
102 Recursion
Object-Oriented Programming
103 Principles of Object-Oriented Programming
104 Class vs Object
105 How to Write a class
106 Writing a Class for Circle
107 Student Challenge Write a Class for Rectangle
108 Student Challenge Write a Class for Cylinder
109 Student Challenge Write a Class for Student
110 Data Hiding
111 Practising Data Hiding
112 Types of Properties
113 Constructors
114 Practising Constructors
115 Student Challenge Cylinder
116 Student Challenge Product & Customer
117 Array of Objects Challenge
118 Generalisation vs Specialisation
119 What is Inheritance
120 Practising Inheritance
121 Student Challenge Account , Customer etc.
122 Constructors in Inheritance
123 Parametrised Constructor
124 this vs super
125 Method Overriding
126 Practising Method Overriding
127 Example #1 for Method Overriding
128 Example #2 for Method Overriding
129 Dynamic Method Dispatch
130 Practising Dynamic Method Dispatch
131 Do’s and Don’t’s of Overriding
132 Polymorphism using Overloading and Overriding
Abstract Classes
133 What is an Abstract Class
134 Practising Abstract Class
135 Example#1 Abstract Class
136 Example#2 Abstract Class
137 Student Challenge Class Shape
138 Do’s and Don’t’s of Abstract Class and Methods
139 Rules for Abstract Classes
140 What are Interfaces
141 Practising Interfaces
142 Example for Interface
143 Demo Example for Interface
144 Student Challenge CallBack Method
145 Do’s and Don’t’s of Interfaces
146 Interface vs Multiple Inheritance
Inner classes
147 What are inner Classes
148 Demo Nested Inner Class
149 Local and Anonymous Inner Class
150 Static Inner Class
151 Demo Local and Static Inner Classes
Static and Final
152 Static Members
153 Demo Static Members
154 Static Blocks
155 Demo Static Block
156 Final Members
157 Demo Final Keyword
158 Singelton Class
159 Student Challenge Student Roll Number
160 What are Packages
161 Creating a Package
162 Access Modifiers
163 Demo Access Modifiers
164 Package Naming Convention
Exception Handling
165 What are Exceptions
166 How to Handle Exception
167 Try and Catch Block
168 Multiple & Nested Try Catch
169 Class Exception
170 Checked and UnChecked Exceptions
171 Throw vs Throws
172 Demo Throw and Throws
173 Demo Finally block
174 Try with Resources
175 Demo Try with Resources
176 Student Challenge Stack Class
177 What is Multiprogramming
178 What is Multitasking
179 Control Flow of a Program
180 Multithreading using Thread Class
181 Multithreading using Runnable Interface
182 Demo Multithreading using Thread and Runnable
183 States of a Thread
184 Thread Priorities
185 Thread Class
186 Thread Methods Constructors , sleep & Interrupt
187 Thread Daemon, join and yield
188 What is Synchronisation
189 What is a Monitor
190 Multithreading using Monitor
191 Demo Synchronisation
192 Student Challenge ATM Machine
193 Inter-Thread Communication
194 Example Inter-Thread Communication
195 Demo Inter-Thread Communication
196 Student Challenge Teacher-Students Problems
Java.lang Package
197 Object Class
198 Wrapper Classes
199 Integer Class , AutoBoxing and AutoUnboxing
200 Float, Character and Boolean Classes
201 String vs StringBuffer vs StringBuilder
202 Math Class
203 Enum
204 Introduction to Reflection Package
Annotations and JavaDoc
205 Java Documentation – javadoc
206 Buil-in Annotations Java
207 User-Defined Annotation
208 Built-in Annotations #2
Lambda Expressions
209 Introduction to Lambda Expression
210 Parameters in Lambda Expression
211 Capture in Lambda Expression
212 Method Reference
Java IO Streams
213 What are Streams
214 InputStream and OutputStream Classes
215 java.io Classes
216 FileOutputStream
217 FileInputStream & FileReader
218 Student Challenge Copy a File
219 Byte Streams & CharArrayReader
220 Buffered Streams & Buffered Reader
221 Piped Streams
222 Random Access File
223 File Class
224 Serialisation Storing Data in a File
225 PrintStream
226 Serialisation using DataInput and DataOutput Streams
227 Data Streams
228 Serialisation Final
229 Object Streams & Serialisation
230 Student Challenge Serialize a Customer
Java Generics
231 Introduction to Generics
232 Defining Generic Class
233 Bounds on Generics
234 Generic Methods
235 Do’s and Don’ts in Generics
Collection Framework
236 What are Collections
237 Why Collections are Required
238 Collection Classes in Java
239 Understanding Collection Interface
240 Understanding List, Set Interfaces
241 Visiting Java Docs for Collections
242 ArrayList and Iterator
243 LinkedList
244 ArrayDeque
245 PriorityQueue
246 Hashing Technique
247 HashSet
248 TreeSet
249 Comparable Interface
250 TreeMap and HashMap
251 LinkedHashMap
252 Using LinkedHashMap as Cache
253 LinkedHashSet
254 Hashtable Legacy Class
255 Properties
256 StringTokenizer
257 BitSet
258 Arrays and Comparator
259 Student Challenge Menu Driven Account Program
Date and Time API
260 Deprecated Date class
261 Calendar and TimeZone
262 Joda Time API
263 java.time Classes
264 Date Formatter
Network Programming
265 Introduction to Networking Concepts
266 Reverse Echo Server #1
267 Reverse Echo Server #2
268 MultiThreaded Reverse Echo Server
269 Datagram Communication
JDBC using SQLite
270 Introduction to Databases
271 Database Terminology
272 Downloading SQLite
273 Introduction to SQL (DDL and DML)
274 SQL (Select, From & Where clause)
275 SQL (Join, Group By & Having clause)
276 SQL (Aggregate Functions & Set Operations)
277 SQL (SubQueries & more DML)
278 JDBC Drivers
279 Writing JDBC Program
280 java.sql package
281 PreparedStatement
282 DML using JDBC
AWT Abstract Window Toolkit
283 What is Graphical user interface
284 Introduction to AWT
285 Developing AWT App Method #1
286 Developing AWT App Method #2
287 Event Delegation Model
288 When, Which Event is Generated
289 Button and ActionListener
290 Checkbox, RadioButton and ItemListener
291 TextField & TextEvent
292 TextArea Operations
293 ListBox and Choice
294 Scrollbar and AdjustmentEvent
295 Layout Managers FlowLayout & BorderLayout
296 LayoutManagers GridLayout & GridBagLayout
297 Layout Managers Card Layout
298 Handling KeyEvent
299 Handling MouseEvent
300 Handling WindowEvent
301 Adapter Classes
302 Different Ways of Handling Event
303 Menus
304 Painting , Color and Font
305 Animation
Java Swing
306 AWT vs Swing
307 First Swing Application
308 JTextField, JFormattedTextField
309 JCheckBox & JRadioButton
310 Borders for Swing Components
311 JTree Component
312 using Layered Pane
313 Internal Frame
314 Split Pane and Tabbed Pane
315 JSlider and JProgressBar
316 JSpinner , JList and JComboBox
317 JMenuBar and JToolBar #1 (Interface)
318 JMenuBar and JToolBar #2 (Event Handling)
319 Introduction to JavaFX
320 Installa and Setup JavaFX
321 Structure of FX Application
322 Common Properties of Controls
323 Event Handling
324 Checkbox, RadioButton, HBox & VBox Layout
325 TextArea and Slider
326 DatePicker, ColorPicker & FileChooser#1
327 DatePicker, ColorPicker & FileChooser #2
328 ComboBox, Form Application #1
329 ComboBox, Form Application #2
330 Layouts & Panes
331 Layouts & Panes 2
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