English | MP4 | AVC 1280×720 | AAC 48KHz 2ch | 5 Hours | 3.24 GB
Your practical guide to build a mobile-ready web applications using React and Redux
This course is fully up-to-date with the latest version of React (16.8) and includes the newly introduced React Hooks feature!
What’s this course about?
Learn React and Redux by coding examples. Learn all aspects of the most popular JavaScript framework today using simple but very powerful examples.
For a long time, JavaScript has been the key element of the world wide web. Historically, it’s been used for front end validations, dynamic menus, making some AJAX requests etc.
But things have changed since the introduction of Single Page Applications (SPAs). The first major such framework was Angularjs (1.x) from Google, which eventually made way to the new Angular 2, which now is called just Angular. Angular is a very complete framework addressing each and every issue that an application needs.
Developers at Facebook reased a completely different kind of framework called React (or ReactJS), which uses a combination of plain JavaScript and HTML elements (in XML syntax), called JSX. Unlike the Angular framework, this one simply addresses the View part of MVC. The main goal of a React application is to breakdown the entire web application into a bunch HTML-like elements called Components. A component defines the visual appearance of your UI, while converting the data it holds into user interface elements.
Using these components, you can quickly develop amazing and powerful web apps. These components are completely reusable.
This course will start from ground zero and explain what exactly React is and how you may use it (and for which kind of apps). Thereafter, we’ll go all the way from basic to advanced. We’ll not just scratch the surface but dive deeply into React as well as popular libraries like react-router and Redux.
By the end of the course, you can build amazing React (single page) applications!
What you’ll learn
- Build super fast reactive web apps
- Understand JSX thoroughly
- Create reusable components
- Differentiate between stateless and stateful components
- Handle events
- Work with controlled and uncontrolled components
- Understand and create Higher order components
- Share state amongst components using Parent-Child association
- Use Redux for state management
Table of Contents
1 Course intro
2 Software setup
EcmaScript essentials (ES6, ES7, ES8… NextGen JavaScript)
3 Using let and const
4 Template strings
5 Arrow functions
6 Spread and rest operators
7 Classes and objects
8 Object destructuring
9 Promise and asyncawait
Learn React by examples
10 A quick overview of ReactJS
11 Lifecycle of a React component
12 Working with arrays
13 Using AJAX for getting data from REST endpoint
14 Higher order components
15 What is the buzz about Virtual-DOM
16 State management with multiple components
17 Hello, React!
18 Using props
19 Handling events
20 Stateful component
21 Stateless component
22 Using refs
23 Controlled components
24 Form validation
Learn Redux by examples
25 Introduction to Redux
26 Using Redux+Thunk with React
Final thoughts
27 Thank you
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