English | MP4 | AVC 1280×720 | AAC 44KHz 2ch | 30.5 Hours | 8.88 GB
Learn and master the world’s most popular programming language from A to Z! Complete beginners welcome!
Learn to Code with Python is a comprehensive introduction to Python, one of the most widely used programming languages in the world. Python powers codebases in companies like Google, Facebook, Pinterest, Dropbox, and more. Over more than 30 hours of video content, we’ll tackle everything you need to know about the language to be an effective developer.
The course is designed from the ground up to take you from novice to professional. Complete beginners are welcome! Over more than 250+ videos, we’ll work our way through everything the language has to offer, from the fundamentals to the advanced features of Python. Topics covered include…
- Setup & Installation
- Variables
- Data types
- Functions and Methods
- Control Flow
- Lists and tuples
- Dictionaries
- Sets
- Modules
- Decorators
- Classes
- Exception Handling
- The Python Standard Library
- Unit testing
…and more!
Throughout the entire journey, I’ll be coding alongside you step by step in the code editor. No boring academic presentations here!
Python holds a special place in my heart — it was the first language I ever learned! I’m honored to be able to pass on years of knowledge to a new group of avid learners. Whether you are a novice who’s never written a line of code before or an experienced developer looking to dive into a new language, there’s something for you to enjoy in Learn to Code with Python.
I’m super excited to show you what this powerful language can do for you. Thanks for checking out the course!
What you’ll learn
- Master programming in Python, a popular language that powers codebases in tech companies like Instagram, Pinterest, Dropbox and more
- Dive into the mechanics of Python’s data structures including strings, lists, dictionaries, tuples, sets and more!
- Apply your knowledge to solve common interview questions, algorithms and coding challenges
- Explore a dynamic curriculum with videos, quizzes, written assignments, in-browser coding challenges and more
- Progress from core language fundamentals to advanced features like classes, decorators and unit testing
Table of Contents
Setup Introduction
1 Welcome to Python
2 Mac OS – Using the Terminal
3 Mac OS – Download and Install Python 3
4 Mac OS – Install Visual Studio Code and Python Plugins
5 Windows – Using the Command Prompt
6 Windows – Download and Install Python 3
7 Windows – Install Visual Studio Code and Plugins
8 The VSCode Interface and Shortcuts
9 The Interactive Prompt (REPL)
10 OPTIONAL Words of Motivation
11 General Housekeeping
Welcome to Python
12 Objects Strings
13 Intro to Functions
14 The print Function I Single Argument
15 The print Function II Multiple Arguments
16 The print Function III Parameters and Arguments
Numbers Booleans and Equality
18 Mathematical Expressions
19 Division Floor Division and the Modulo Operator
20 The Boolean Data Type The Equality Operator () and Inequality Operator ()
21 Boolean Mathematical Operators
22 The type Function
23 Type Conversion with the int float and str Functions
24 Intro to Variables
25 Variable Naming Rules
26 Multiple Variable Assignments
27 Augmented Assignment Operator
28 User Input with the input Function
29 The NameError ValueError TypeError and SyntaxError Exceptions
30 Intro to Functions
31 Parameters and Arguments
32 Positional Arguments and Keyword Arguments
33 Return Values
34 Default Argument Values
35 The None Type
36 BONUS Function Annotations
Strings The Basics
37 Length Concatenation and Immutability
38 String Indexing with Positive Values
39 String Indexing with Negative Values
40 String Slicing I Slicing by Range
41 String Slicing II Slicing by Steps
42 Escape Characters
43 The in and not in Operators for Inclusion
Strings Methods
44 The find and index Methods
45 The startswith and endswith Methods
46 The count Method
47 The capitalize title lower upper and swapcase Nethods
48 Boolean Methods for Strings
49 The lstrip rstrip and strip Methods
50 The replace Method
51 The format Method
52 Formatted String Literals (f-strings)
Control Flow
53 REVIEW The Boolean Data Type Equality and Inequality
54 The if Statement
55 The bool Function (Truthiness and Falsiness)
56 The else Statement
57 The elif Statement
58 Conditional Expressions (Ternary Operator Equivalent)
59 The and Keyword
60 The or Keyword
61 The not Keyword
62 Nested if Statements
63 The while Loop
64 A Brief Intro to Recursion I
65 A Brief Intro to Recursion II
Lists The Basics
66 Intro to Lists
67 The in and not in Operators on a List
68 Select a List Element by Positive or Negative Index Positions
69 Slice Multiple Elements from a List
Lists Iteration
70 Iteration with the For Loop
71 Iteration with Conditional Logic
72 Iterate in Reverse with the reversed Function
73 The enumerate Function
74 The range Function
75 The break Keyword
76 The continue Keyword
77 Command Line Arguments with argv
Lists Mutation
78 Assign New Value at Index Position
79 Assign New Values to List Slice
80 The append Method and Adding Lists with Operator
81 Building a List Up from Another List
82 The extend Method
83 The insert Method
84 The pop Method
85 The del Keyword
86 The remove Method
87 The clear Method
88 The reverse Method
89 The sort Method
Lists Methods
90 The count Method
91 The index Method
92 The copy Method
93 The split Method on a String
94 The join Method on a String
95 The zip Function
96 Multidimensional Lists
97 List Comprehensions I The Basics
98 List Comprehensions II Filtering Results
Built-in Functions
99 The help Function
100 The map Function
101 The filter Function
102 Lambda Functions
103 The all and any Functions
104 The max and min Functions
105 The sum Function
106 The dir Function
107 The format Function
108 Intro to Tuples
109 Lists vs. Tuples
110 Unpacking a Tuple I The Basics
111 Unpacking a Tuple II Using to Destructure Multiple Elements
112 Variable Number of Function Arguments with args
113 Unpacking Arguments to Functions
Objects and References
114 Variables Objects and Garbage Collection
115 Shared References with Immutable and Mutable Types
116 Equality vs. Identity
117 Shallow and Deep Copies
Dictionaries The Basics
118 Intro to Dictionaries
119 Access a Dictionary Value by Key or the get Method
120 The in and not in Operators on a Dictionary
121 Add or Modify Key-Value Pair in Dictionary
122 The setdefault Method
123 The pop Method
124 The clear Method
125 The update Method
126 The dict Function
127 Nested Dictionaries
Dictionaries Iteration
128 Iterate over a Dictionary with a for Loop
129 The items Method
130 The keys and values Methods
131 The sorted Function
132 Lists of Dictionaries
133 Keyword Arguments (kwargs)
134 Unpacking Argument Dictionary
135 Dictionary Comprehensions I
136 Dictionary Comprehensions II
137 Intro to Sets
138 The set Function
139 The add and update Methods
140 The remove and discard Methods
141 The intersection Method to Identify Common Elements between Sets
142 The union Method to Combine Elements from Two Sets
143 The difference Method to Identify Unique Elements in One Set
144 The symmetric difference Method to Identify Elements Not in Common Between Two S
145 The issubset and issuperset Method
146 The frozenset Object
147 Scripts Modules and the import Keyword
148 The Python Standard Library (The string math and this Modules)
149 The name Special Variable
150 Aliases with the as Keyword
151 Import Specific Attributes with the from Syntax
152 Import All Attributes with Syntax
153 The init .py File I
154 The init .py File II
Reading from and Writing to Files
155 Reading a File with the open Function and read Method
156 Read File Line by Line
157 Write to a File
158 Append to a File
159 Higher Order Functions I Functions as Arguments
160 Nested Functions
161 Higher Order Functions II Functions as Return Values
162 Scope I Global vs Local Variables
163 Scope II The LEGB Rule
164 Scope III Closures
165 The global Keyword
166 The nonlocal Keyword
167 Intro to Decorators
168 Arguments with Decorator Functions (args and kwargs)
169 Returned Values from Decorated Functions
170 The functools.wraps Decorator
171 Decorator Example from flask Library
Classes The Basics
172 Intro to Object-Oriented Programming
173 Class Definitions and Instantiation
174 The init Method
175 Adding Attributes to Objects
176 Setting Object Attributes in the init Method
177 Default Values for Attributes
Classes Attributes and Methods
178 Instance Methods
179 Protected Attributes and Methods (Encapsulation)
180 Define Properties with property Method
181 Define Properties with Decorators (Alternate Approach)
182 The getattr and setattr Functions
183 The hasattr and deleteattr Functions
184 Class Methods
185 Class Attributes
186 Attribute Lookup Order
187 Static Methods
Classes Magic Methods
188 Intro to Magic Methods
189 String Representation with the str and repr Methods
190 Equality with the eq Method
191 Magic Methods for Comparison Operations
192 Docstrings
193 Truthiness with the bool Method
194 The namedtuple Object
195 Length with the len Method
196 Indexing with the getitem and setitem Methods
197 The del Method
Classes Inheritance
198 Intro to Inheritance
199 Define a Subclass
200 New Methods on Subclasses
201 Override an Inherited Method on a Subclass
202 The super Function
203 Polymorphism I
204 Polymorphism II
205 Name Mangling for Privacy
206 Multiple Inheritance I Method Resolution Order
207 Multiple Inheritance II Breadth First Search and Depth First Search
208 Multiple Inheritance III Diamond-Shaped Inheritance
209 The isinstance Function and issubclass Function
Exception Handling
210 Introduction to Error Handling
211 The try-except Block
212 Catching One or More Specific Exceptions
213 The raise Keyword
214 User-Defined Exceptions
215 Exception Inheritance Hierachies
216 The else and finally Blocks
Dates and Time
217 The date Object
218 The time Object
219 The datetime Object I
220 The datetime Object II The strftime Method
221 The timedelta Object
The random Module
222 The random randint and randrange Functions
223 The choice and sample Functions
224 The shuffle Function
Testing Code The Basics
225 Introduction to Unit Testing
226 The assert Statement
227 The doctest Module
228 The unittest Module
229 The assertEqual Method
230 The Purpose of Testing
231 Skipping Tests and Expected Failures
232 Assertions – assertNotEqual and Custom Error Messages
233 Assertions – Test Object Identity with assertIs and assertIsNot
234 Assertions – Test Truthiness and Falsiness (assertTrue and assertFalse)
235 Assertions – Test Nullness (assertIsNone and assertIsNotNone)
236 Assertions – Test Inclusion with assertIn and assertNotIn
237 Assertions – Test Object Type (assertIsInstance and assertNotIsIstance)
238 Assertions – Test Errors with assertRaises
239 The setUp and tearDown Methods
240 The setUpClass and tearDownClass Methods
241 Congratulations
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