iOS Game Development

iOS Game Development

English | MP4 | AVC 1920×1080 | AAC 48KHz 2ch | 3h 08m | 863 MB

Delve into the world of 2D game development on the iOS platform using the SpriteKit framework

Mobile gaming is one of the fastest-growing industries. The SpriteKit framework is part of the native SDK from Apple and enables developers to get into 2D game development without unnecessary overhead and a long learning process.

This course shows you how to build a game from start to finish. This is a classic cat and ball game, where the cat tries to catch a ball to earn points and to avoid danger balls. The course will show you how to add actions to your game such as moving your sprite (cat) from one location to another, detecting collisions, and adding animations to your game. You will learn how to add real-world physics, sounds and background music, start and end game scenes, labels, and actions to your games. The course will show you how to add launch screens and app icons and publish your course to App Store Connect.

A comprehensive course packed with step-by-step instructions and helpful advice on building your own game in iOS using Spritekit. This course is divided into clear chunks so you can learn at your own pace and focus on your own areas of interest.

What You Will Learn

  • Get started with SpriteKit framework basics
  • Add actions to games using touch, actions, and action sequences
  • Add game scenes, animate images, and learn transition effects
  • Add a physics body to a sprite, and master collision and contact detection
  • Add game scores, collision sounds, and game background music
  • Save the game score, add danger balls, create blink effects, and add 3 lives
  • Where to find graphics for games, and how to make basic game graphics
  • Prepare and upload the game to App Store Connect
Table of Contents

Getting Started with SpriteKit Framework
1 The Course Overview
2 Creating a SpriteKit Project
3 Creating an Xcode Project for Our SpriteKit Game
4 Add SKSpriteNode to the Scene
5 SpriteKit Coordinate System
6 Arranging Nodes By Z-Position

Add Actions to Our Game
7 Move SKSpriteNode to Touch Location
8 Run SKAction on a Sprite
9 Run Action Sequence
10 Use Timer to Add Sprites Periodically
11 Randomize the Origin of the Sprite Node

Start and Game Over Scenes
12 Create a Start Game Scene
13 Anchor Point Values
14 Animate Images with SKTexture
15 SKSpriteNode Click Event and Transition Effects
16 Game Over Scene and SKLabelNode
17 Present the Game Over Scene

Understanding Game Physics
18 Introduction to Physics Body
19 Dynamic and Gravity Property of a Physics Body
20 Collision and Contact
21 Detecting a Contact Between Physics Bodies
22 Remove a Sprite Node Upon Contact

Scores and Sounds
23 Add and Increase Game Scores
24 Play Collision Sound
25 Add Background Music
26 Mute and Unmute Game Music
27 Present the End Game Scene

Adding More Features to the Game
28 Persist Data – Show the Last Score
29 Danger Ball
30 Add a Blinking Effect
31 Add Cat Lives
32 End the Game When All Lives Are Used Up

Prepare the Game for the App Store
33 Create Graphics for the Game
34 Add a Launch Screen
35 Add an App Icon
36 Create an iTunes Connect App
37 Upload the Game to iTunes Connect