English | MP4 | AVC 1920×1080 | AAC 48KHz 2ch | 7h 51m | 1.63 GB
This course will help you discover the secrets of Pentesting using Linux
Kali Linux contains a large number of penetration testing tools from various different niches of the security and forensics fields. Kali Linux offers a multitude of options to scan a single IP, port, or host (or a range of IPs, ports, and hosts) and discover vulnerabilities and security holes. This output and information can serve as a precursor to penetration testing efforts. In this course, you will perform tests to carry out and exploit hidden vulnerabilities within your network and systems; you will not only expose these but will also provide ways and methods to fix, secure, and harden your system’s security, protecting it against any other attacks.
You will learn how to test your network against various types of attack and develop a network-testing environment that can be used to test scanning tools and techniques. Employ methods effectively used by real hackers to ensure the most effective penetration testing of your network; select and configure the most effective tools from Kali Linux to test network security; employ stealth to avoid detection in the network being tested; and recognize when stealthy attacks are being used against your network. Exploit networks and data systems using wired and wireless networks as well as web services. Identify and download valuable data from target systems and learn to maintain access on compromised systems. Use social engineering to compromise the weakest part of the network—the end users. Use port scanning for UDP scanning, stealth scanning, and connect/zombie scanning using pentesting tools. You will learn how to utilize the arsenal of tools available in Kali Linux to conquer any network environment.
By the end of this course, you will be a pro with the Kali Linux tools you need to perform advanced penetration testing; you will know how to exploit vulnerable systems and how to patch them.
To hit the market’s demand this course is designed for Freshers and professionals to elevate their skills in Kali Linux. Possessing the importance of learner’s time and goals we will emphasize on complete illustration.
What You Will Learn
- Learn Various Information Gathering tools techniques.
- Perform Network and Web Vulnerability Analysis.
- Learn Database Pentesting Techniques
- Perform Password Cracking Techniques
- Wifi hacking to learn wireless penetration techniques
- Learn MITM and Social Engineering Attack
- Perform Exploitation and Post Exploitation Attack
- Learn to Generate Final Reports of Penetration Testing
Table of Contents
1 The Course Overview
2 How to Get the Most Out of This Course
3 Teaser Hack Updated Windows10 Using Kali Linux
4 Kali Linux Basics
Lab Setup
5 Download and Install VMware Workstation
6 Download Windows and Kali Linux
7 Installation of Windows and Kali Linux
8 Update the Kali Linux Operating System
Terminal Commands
9 File Commands
10 Directory Commands
11 Chain Commands
12 Manage Services
Information Gathering
13 Using the NetDiscover Tool
14 Using the Nmap Tool
15 Using the Sparta Tool
16 Using the Maltego Tool
17 Using the Recon-NG Tool
Vulnerability Analysis
18 Using the Burp Suite Tool
19 Using the ZAP Tool
20 WordPress Scanning Using WPScan
21 Nessus Installation
22 Vulnerability Analysis Using Nessus
23 Analyze the Web Using HTTrack
Database Hacking
24 Using the SQLite Tool
25 Using the Sqlmap Tool
26 Using the JSQL Tool
27 Using SQLsus
Password Cracking
28 Using Crunch Commands
29 Using John the Ripper Tool
30 FTP Setup
31 Using Hydra
32 Using Medusa
33 Using Ncrack
Man-in-the-Middle AttackSniffing
34 Using the MAC Changer Tool
35 Using the Wireshark Tool
36 Using the Ettercap Tool
37 Using MITMProxy and Driftnet Tool
Social Engineering Attack
38 Phishing Attack Using SET
39 Trojan Attack Using SET
40 Using the Maltego Tool
41 Using Browser Exploitation Framework
Wireless Hacking
42 About Wireless Adapter
43 Start Monitor Mode
44 Hack WEP Using the Fern Tool
45 Create a Dictionary
Exploitation Techniques
47 Metasploit Basics
48 AV Bypass Frameworks
49 Bypass Target Defender
50 Bypass Target Antivirus
Post-Exploitation Techniques
51 Meterpreter Commands
52 Insert Keylogger
53 Privilege Escalation
54 Stealing Login Credentials
55 Using Leafpad
56 Using CutyCapt
57 Using Faraday IDE
58 Using recordMyDesktop
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