End to End Java Project Development Using Spring Boot

End to End Java Project Development Using Spring Boot

English | MP4 | AVC 1280×720 | AAC 48KHz 2ch | 13 Hours | 3.59 GB

Master everything required to create a Enterprise Java Application from scratch

Do you have the knowledge of java and spring framework but do not know how to create an end to end java project, then this course is for you.If you are an experienced java developer who wants to fill in any gaps in your knowledge of creating an enterprise java application then this course is for you too.

Spring is the most widely used framework in the industry today. Spring Boot makes it super easy to create production ready java applications. You will start this course by learning what micro services are ,the different layers that are a part of every java application and the spring modules that should be used across these layers and the ten key classes you will create no matter how many java application you create.You will implement one layer at a time working hands on.You will then create two micro service applications using all the knowledge you gain from those sections.

The goal of this course is to help you master the concepts of micro services,layers in a java application and java project creation and build an end to end application while exploring the various features of spring.By the time you finish this course, you will have gained the understanding of Java Project Development, Data Access Layer Creation using Spring Data, Presentation Layer Creation using Spring MVC,Utility Classes and more.You will also create REST web services and consume them through the integration layer.You will also implement non functional requirements like logging,security,deployment and more.

What Will I Learn?

  • Master everything required to build an end to end Enterprise Java Application
  • Understand the different layers that make up a Enterprise Java Application
  • Create a data access layer in two simple steps
  • Create the Presentation and Services Layers for your application
  • Develop Utility Classes
  • Learn how to send emails form your applications
  • Use third party libraries in your applications
  • Create two end to end mini applications
  • Create a AngularJS front end for the Java backend
  • Learn how to enable logging
  • Implement Security
  • Learn the two different ways to deploy your application
  • All in simple and easy steps
Table of Contents

1 Course and Instructor Introduction
2 How to make the best of this course

Software Setup
3 Install Java
4 Install Spring Tool Suite
5 Configuring JDK in STS
6 Install MySQL and MySQL workbench
7 Using MySQL Workbench
8 Install Postman
9 Download the completed projects
10 Troubleshooting Maven Projects

Java Project Development Concepts
11 What are micro services
12 Why Micro Services
13 Four Layers and Classes
14 Why the Layers
15 Layers and Technologies
16 Six key classes

Create the Data Access Layer
17 Introduction
18 Using Spring Boot 2.X
19 Update Student
20 Delete Student
21 Create the DB Schema
22 Create the Spring Boot Project
23 Create the Model Class
24 Create the Repository
25 Use GeneratedValue
26 Configure The Data Source
27 Create Student
28 Read Student

Presentation Layer
29 Introduction
30 Configure the Data Source
31 Create the services layer
32 Implement the methods
33 Create the View for Save Location
34 Create the Controller
35 Configure prefix and suffix
36 Add the Jasper dependency
37 Application testing and flow
38 Update the application context
39 Handle the create request
40 Create Workflow
41 Send a response back
42 Create testing and flow
43 Add the View All Link and Controller Method
44 Create the JSP
45 Use JSTL
46 Testing and Flow
47 Add Create Location Link
48 Code the Delete Request Flow
49 Code the Delete Response Flow
50 Add the Edit Button and Show Update Controller method
51 Display Locations Workflow
52 Create EditLocation JSP
53 Handle the update
54 Test the update
55 Delete Workflow
56 Update Workflow
57 Create the Location Table
58 Create the locationweb Project
59 Create the Model Class
60 Create the Repository

Utility Classes
61 Introduction
62 Email UseCase
63 Add the Maven Dependency
64 Create the Utility classes
65 Configure the Mail Properties
66 Setup a Email Account
67 Use the Util Classes
68 Test the Util Layer

Reports Utility
69 Introduction
70 Low level workflow
71 Add maven dependency
72 Add Repository Method
73 Create Utility Class
74 Generate the report
75 Create the controller method
76 Create the view
77 Testing

Integration Layer
78 Introduction
79 What is REST
80 Create the REST Controller
81 Get All Locations
82 Test Get All Locations
83 Create Location
84 Update Location
85 Delete Location
86 Get One Location

Project Creation
87 Why Micro Services
88 Create DB Schema
89 Create a Project
90 Create model classes
91 Mark with JPA annotations
92 Define relationships
93 Create the Data Access Layer
94 Create User Registration View and Controller

User Registration Usecase
95 Requirements and Design
96 Update Spring boot and Maven configuration
97 Access User Registration
98 Handle User Registration Request
99 Test User Registration
100 Handle Login
101 Test Login

Search Flights Usecase
102 Search Flights Requirements and Design
103 Create the findFlights jsp and Controller
104 Implement the repository method
105 Display the flights
106 Load Flight Data
107 Test Flight Search
108 Handle flight selection
109 Create the Complete Reservation View
110 Test Complete Reservation UI

Create Reservation Usecase
111 Create Reservation Requirements and Design
112 Create the ReservationRequest and Controller Method
113 Create the Services Layer
114 Use the services layer classes
115 Create Reservation Confirmation View
116 Test Flight Reservation Flow
117 Create Home Page
118 Test Home Page

Create the Integration Layer
119 Integration Layer Requirements
120 Create the Find Reservation REST Service
121 Create the Update Reservation REST Service
122 Test REST Services
123 Add Cross Site Origin Support

Develop a Flight Checkin Application
124 Create the project
125 Check In Confirmation
126 Test CheckIn
127 Create the Model and Rest Client classes
128 Implement the Find Reservation REST Client
129 Implement the Update Reservation REST Client
130 Display Start Check In UI
131 Handle Start Check IN
132 Display Reservation Details
133 Testing
134 Implement the Check In Method

Generate and Email Itinerary
135 Add IText dependencies
136 Create the PDFGenerator
137 Add Flight Details
138 Add Passenger Details
139 Add Email Support
140 Create EmailUtil
141 Use the Utility Classes
142 Test Book Flight
143 Test Check In

144 What is logging
145 Create logback.xml
146 Define the appender log pattern
147 Configure Rolling Policy
148 Define Root Logger
149 Test Logback
150 Configure and use loggers
151 Configure Root Log Level
152 Logging in controller layer
153 Logging in Services Layer
154 Util and Integration Layer
155 Test Logging
156 Log to file
157 Logging Components

Externalized Configuration
158 Externalize Flight Reservation Properties

159 Security Introduction
160 Set token in to SecurityContext
161 Update the UserController
162 Create Security Configuration
163 Create Password Encoder Bean
164 Configure the AuthenticationManager Bean
165 Skip REST URIs
166 Test Security
167 Encode Password
168 Create ADD Flight View
169 Create DB Tables
170 Create Role Entity
171 Define relationships
172 Create Role Repository
173 Implement UserDetailsService
174 Create a SecurityService

Transaction Management
175 Introduction
176 Which layer should a transaction start

177 JAR Deployment
178 WAR Deployment

Create CheckIn Application using AngularJS
179 Introduction
180 Create the Routing Module
181 Update the App Module Config
182 Use Routing in HTML
183 Bind Reservation ID and Navigate
184 Fetch Reservation
185 Display Flight and Passenger Information
186 Implement CheckIn Method
187 Confirm CheckIn
188 Apply Styles
189 Angular in brief
190 Installation
191 Create the project
192 Project Structure
193 Create Components and Services
194 Implement the getReservation Service
195 Implement the checkIn Service
196 Start implementing the components

Project Usecase
197 Patient Clinical Project UseCase and requirements
198 REST API Requirements

Create the REST Backend
199 Download the completed projects
200 Test GET methods
201 Test save method
202 Implement save clinical data api
203 Test save clinical data
204 Implement Analyze Method
205 Calculate BMI
206 Filter the results
207 Test Analyze Method
208 Implement GET Clinical Data Method
209 Reuse BMI Logic
210 Setup the database
211 Test GET Clinical Data
212 Add Cross Site Origin Support
213 Executable Java Project
214 Create the project
215 Create the Model
216 Define Entity Relationships
217 Create the Repositories
218 Create the Patient REST Controller
219 Implement the GET and Save Patient methods

Frontend Development using REACT
220 What is React
221 Implement RowCreator
222 Test Home Page
223 Implement Add patient
224 Add Patient – Handle Submit
225 Add Patient – Toastify
226 Test Add Patient
227 Implement the Add Clinical Data Component
228 Create the HTML Form
229 Handle Submit
230 Implement Analyze Component
231 Install Node
232 Create the TableCreator Component
233 Install Yarn
234 Install React CLI
235 Install Visual Studio Code
236 Create the project
237 Create Components
238 Configure Routing
239 Start implementing the Home Page

Wrap Up
240 Bonus Lecture

Uploading and Downloading Documents
241 Create the DB Table
242 Update the upload method
243 Update the View
244 Test and run display documents
245 Implement the download method
246 Stream the file back
247 Save the file name
248 Test Download
249 Bonus Lecture
250 Create the Project
251 Create the Model and Repository
252 Create the Upload JSP
253 Create the Controller
254 Implement the upload method
255 Save the document
256 Test Upload
257 Download requirement