DevOps Masterclass: CI/CD with Jenkins Pipelines Groovy DSL

DevOps Masterclass: CI/CD with Jenkins Pipelines Groovy DSL

English | MP4 | AVC 1920×1080 | AAC 48KHz 2ch | 2h 59m | 761 MB

DevOps, IaC, Automation, continuous integration and continuous delivery with Jenkins Pipelines and Apache Groovy DSLs

Software companies are constantly innovating development strategies to bring new products and services to the market quickly and more efficiently. They look for consistent solutions to increase stability, quality, and profits. With DevOps and its Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery principles, companies have witnessed exponential business and technological growth. Most progressive startups and mature companies routinely implement CI/CD principles in their automated software build pipelines. This ensures that their code is cleaner, deployments are faster, and delivery is reliable. As a result, business growth is guaranteed.

Whatever your choice may be, cloud computing is going to be YOUR KEY to financial success and growth and to the success of the community as a whole!

Jenkins is a vast, highly efficient automation platform. You can accomplish a lot with Jenkins, and it requires minimal configurations. This dynamic, stable tool gives you the freedom to explore and automate a wide variety of tasks. Using Jenkins, you can simplify sophisticated software processes through automated builds and test executions. You receive immediate feedback on automation processes on Jenkins. This approach efficiently reduces turnaround time for code repair and deployment!

There is already a shortage of cloud talent and this gap is growing rapidly. Simply put, there’s a massive opportunity for people like you to equip yourself with the right skillset so that you can:

  • Join talent-hungry tech companies and be at the forefront of global innovation
  • Launch unique businesses or cloud application development services for the next generation
  • Enjoy lucrative and cool DevOps projects

So, if you’re ready to make a change and learn how to simplify sophisticated software processes. This course is for you!!!

This course will teach you about CI/CD with Jenkins in depth and with practical examples.

What You Will Learn

  • Install and configure Jenkins and the Jenkins DSL plugin.
  • Build Jenkins jobs.
  • Use the Job DSL plugin and build tools to deploy Java and Node.js applications.
  • Implement CICD pipelines with Jenkins DSL.
Table of Contents

1 Welcome And Introduction
2 Course Overview
3 Why Learn Jenkins
4 Who Uses Jenkins
5 Download Resources
6 Get Ready For Jenkins

Jenkins – Installation And Configuration
7 Getting Started With Jenkins
8 What Is Continuous Integration
9 What Is Continuous Delivery
10 Introduction To Jenkins
11 The DevOps EcoSystem
12 Install Pre-Requisites For Jenkins
13 Install Jenkins
14 Configure Jenkins
15 Recap – Jenkins – Installation And Configuration

Building Robust Jobs With Jenkins DSLs
16 Introduction To Jenkins DSLs Jobs
17 Benefits Of Jenkins DSLs
18 Jenkins DSL Features
19 Jenkins DSL API And DSL Job Playground
20 Jenkins DSL Plugin
21 Jenkins DSL Example Job
22 Jenkins DSL Loops
23 Jenkins DSL Branches And Variables
24 Jenkins DSL Best Practices
25 Jenkins DSL Job For Branches
26 Delete Jenkins Job
27 Create Jenkins Views
28 Delete Jenkins Views
29 Create Job Folders
30 Recap – Building Robust Jobs With Jenkins DSLs

Implement CICD Pipelines With Jenkins DSL
31 Introduction – Implement CICD Pipelines With Jenkins DSL
32 Overview Of CICD Pipeline Scenario
33 Configure Jenkins Tools
34 Review CICD Pipeline Jobs
35 CICD Pipeline Steps With Apache ANT
36 CI CD Pipeline Using ANT
37 Jenkins DSL Script For ANT Based CICD Pipeline
38 Run CICD Pipeline
39 DSL Script Approval
40 Deploy Node.JS Application
41 Configure SSH For Jenkins
42 DSL Scripts For Node.JS Application CICD Pipeline
43 Deploy Node.JS Server With Jenkins DSL
44 Recap – Implement CICD Pipelines With Jenkins DSL

45 Thanks! (Bonus Lecture)