English | MP4 | AVC 1920×1080 | AAC 44KHz 2ch | 267 Lessons (65h 31m) | 11.99 GB
Self-paced educational program to start your career as a DevOps engineer
Why learn from me?
Thousands of students love the way how I explain complex concepts in an easy way!
I’m both an educator and a practitioner. The bootcamp is based on real projects that I have worked in or consulted and from exchanging with experts in the specific fields.
Learn from a Docker Captain and AWS Container Hero
- Introduction to DevOps
- Version Control with Git
- Build & Package Manager Tools
- Cloud & Infrastructure as a Service Basics
- Artifact Repository Manager with Nexus
- Containers with Docker
- Build Automation – CI/CD with Jenkins
- AWS Services
- Container Orchestration with Kubernetes
- Kubernetes on AWS – EKS
- Infrastructure as Code with Terraform
- Programming with Python
- Automation with Python
Table of Contents
1. Bootcamp Overview (Getting Started with the Bootcamp – IMPORTANT notes!)
1.1 How to Work Through the Bootcamp
1.2 Grab your Weekly Learning Schedule. For Level 1
1.3 Introduction to DevOps
2. Module Overview (Operating Systems & Linux Basics)
2.1 Introduction to Operating Systems
2.2 Introduction to Virtualization & Virtual Machines
2.3 Setup a Linux Virtual Machine
2.4 Linux File System
2.5 Introduction to Command Line Interface (CLI – Part 1)
2.6 Basic Linux Commands (CLI Part 2)
2.7 Package Manager. Installing Software on Linux
2.8 Working with Vim Editor
2.9 Linux Accounts & Groups (Users & Permissions Part 1)
2.10 File Ownership & Permissions (Users & Permissions – Part 2)
2.11 Basic Linux Commands – Pipes & Redirects (CLI – Part 3)
2.12 Introduction to Shell Scripting Part 1
2.13 Shell Scripting Part 2 Concepts and Syntax
2.14 Shell Scripting Part 3 Concepts and Syntax
2.15 Environment Variables
2.16 Networking
2.17 SSH Secure Shell
3. Module Overview (Version Control with Git)
3.1 Introduction to Version Control and Git
3.2 Basic Concepts of Git
3.3 Setup Git Repository Remote and Local
3.4 Working with Git
3.5 Initialize a Git project locally
3.6 Concept of Branches
3.7 Merge Requests
3.8 Deleting Branches
3.9 Rebase
3.10 Resolving Merge Conflicts
3.11 Gitignore
3.12 Git stash
3.13 Going back in history
3.14 Undoing commits
3.15 Merging branches
3.16 Git for Devops
3.17 Databases in development process
3.18 Database Types
4. Module Overview (Build Tools and Package Manager Tools)
4.1 Introduction to Build Tools
4.2 Install Build Tools
4.3 Installation Help for Windows User Part 1
4.4 Installation Help for Windows User Part 2
4.5 Installation Help for MacOS Unix User
4.6 Build an Artifact
4.7 Build Tools for Development
4.8 Run the Application
4.9 Build JS Applications
4.10 Common Concepts and Differences of Build Tools
4.11 Common Concepts and Differences of Build Tools
4.12 Build Tools and Docker
4.13 Build Tools for DevOps
5.0 Grab your Weekly Learning Schedule. For Level 2 (Entering Learning Phase 2 – DevOps Fundamentals)
5.1 Module Overview (Cloud & Infrastructure as Service Basics with DigitalOcean)
5.2 Intro to Cloud & IaaS
5.3 Setup Server on DigitalOcean
5.4 Deploy and run application artifact on Droplet
5.5 Create and configure a Linux user on a cloud server
6. Module Overview (Artifact Repository Manager with Nexus)
6.1 Intro to Artifact Repository Manager
6.2 Install and Run Nexus on a cloud server
6.3 Introduction to Nexus
6.4 Repository Types
6.5 Publish Artifact to Repository
6.6 Nexus REST API
6.7 Blob Store
6.8 Component vs Asset
6.9 Cleanup Policies and Scheduled Tasks
7. Module Overview (Containers with Docker)
7.1 What is a Container
7.2 Container vs Image
7.3 Docker vs. Virtual Machine
7.4 Docker Architecture and components
7.5 Main Docker Commands
7.6 Debug Commands
7.7 Docker Demo Project Overview
7.8 Developing with Docker
7.9 Docker Compose Run multiple Docker containers
7.10 Dockerfile Build your own Docker Image
7.11 Private Docker Repository
7.12 Deploy docker application on a server
7.13 Docker Volumes Persisting Data
7.14 Docker Volumes Demo
7.15 Create Docker Hosted Repository on Nexus
7.16 Deploy Nexus as Docker Container
7.17 Docker Best Practices
8. Grab your Weekly Learning Schedule. For Level 3 (Entering Learning Phase 3 – DevOps Core)
8.1 Module Overview (Build Automation & CI and CD with Jenkins)
8.2 Intro to Build Automation
8.3 Install Jenkins
8.4 Introduction to Jenkins UI
8.5 Install Build Tools in Jenkins
8.6 Jenkins Basics Demo Freestyle Job
8.7 Docker in Jenkins
8.8 Freestyle to Pipeline Job
8.9 Intro to Pipeline Job
8.10 Jenkinsfile Syntax
8.11 Create complete Pipeline
8.12 Intro to Multibranch Pipeline
8.13 Jenkins Jobs Overview
8.14 Credentials in Jenkins
8.15 Jenkins Shared Library
8.16 Webhooks. Trigger Pipeline Jobs automatically
8.17 Dynamically Increment Application version in Jenkins Pipeline Part 1
8.18 Dynamically Increment Application version in Jenkins Pipeline Part 2
9. Module Overview (AWS Services)
9.1 Introduction to AWS
9.2 Create an AWS account
9.3 IAM. Manage Users, Roles and Permissions
9.4 Regions and Availability Zones
9.5 VPC Manage Private Network on AWS
9.6 CIDR Blocks explained
9.7 Introduction to EC2 Virtual Cloud Server
9.8 Deploy to EC2 server from Jenkins Pipeline CI or CD Part 1
9.9 Deploy to EC2 server from Jenkins Pipeline CI or CD Part 2
9.10 Deploy to EC2 server from Jenkins Pipeline CI or CD Part 3
9.11 Introduction to AWS CLI Part 1
9.12 Introduction to AWS CLI Part 2
9.13 AWS & Terraform Preview
9.14 Container Services on AWS Preview
10. Module Overview (Container Orchestration with Kubernetes)
10.1 Intro to Kubernetes
10.2 Main Kubernetes Components
10.3 Kubernetes Architecture
10.4 Minikube and kubectl Local Kubernetes Cluster
10.5 Main kubectl commands
10.6 YAML Configuration File
10.7 Complete Demo Project Deploying Application in Kubernetes Cluster
10.8 Namespaces Organizing Components
10.9 Services Connecting to Applications inside cluster
10.10 Ingress Connecting to Applications outside cluster
10.11 Volumes Persisting Application Data
10.12 ConfigMap & Secret Volume Types
10.13 StatefulSet Deploying Stateful Applications
10.14 Managed Kubernetes Services Explained
10.15 Helm Package Manager for Kubernetes
10.16 Helm Demo Managed K8s cluster
10.17 Deploying Images in Kubernetes from private Docker repository
10.18 Kubernetes Operators for Managing Complex Applications
10.19 Secure your cluster Authorization with RBAC
10.20 Microservices in Kubernetes
10.21 Demo project. Deploy Microservices Application
10.22 Production & Security Best Practices
10.23 Demo project Create Helm Chart for Microservices
10.24 Demo project. Deploy Microservices with Helmfile
11. Module Overview (Kubernetes on AWS – EKS)
11.1 Container Services on AWS
11.2 Create EKS cluster with AWS Management Console
11.3 Configure Autoscaling in EKS cluster
11.4 Create Fargate Profile for EKS Cluster
11.5 Create EKS cluster with eksctl command line tool
11.6 Deploy to EKS Cluster from Jenkins Pipeline
11.7 BONUS Deploy to LKE Cluster from Jenkins Pipeline
11.8 Jenkins Credentials Note on Best Practices
11.9 Complete CI or CD Pipeline with EKS and DockerHub
11.10 Complete CICD Pipeline with EKS and ECR
12. Module Overview (Infrastructure as Code with Terraform)
12.1 Introduction to Terraform
12.2 Install Terraform & Setup Terraform Project
12.3 Providers in Terraform
12.4 Resources Data Sources
12.5 Change & Destroy Terraform Resources
12.6 Terraform commands
12.7 Terraform State
12.8 Output Values
12.9 Variables in Terraform
12.10 Environment Variables in Terraform
12.11 Create Git Repository for local Terraform Project
12.12 Automate Provisioning EC2 with Terraform Part 1
12.13 Automate Provisioning EC2 with Terraform Part 2
12.14 Automate Provisioning EC2 with Terraform Part 3
12.15 Provisioners in Terraform
12.16 Modules in Terraform Part 1
12.17 Modules in Terraform Part 2
12.18 Modules in Terraform Part 3
12.19 Automate Provisioning EKS cluster with Terraform Part 1
12.20 Automate Provisioning EKS cluster with Terraform Part 2
12.21 Automate Provisioning EKS cluster with Terraform Part 3
12.22 Complete CICD with Terraform Part 1
12.23 Complete CI or CD with Terraform Part 2
12.24 Complete CICD with Terraform Part 3
12.25 Remote State in Terraform
12.26 Terraform Best Practices
13. Module Overview (Programming Basics with Python)
13.1 Introduction to Python
13.2 Installation and Local Setup
13.3 Our first Python Program
13.4 Python IDE vs Simple File Editor
13.5 Strings and Number Data Types
13.6 Variables
13.7 Functions
13.8 Accepting User Input
13.9 Conditionals (if or else) and Boolean Data Type
13.10 Error Handling with Try Except
13.11 While Loops
13.12 Lists and For Loops
13.14 Sets
13.15 Built In Functions
13.16 Dictionary Data Type
13.17 Modules
13.18 Project. Countdown App
13.19 Packages, PyPI and pip
13.20 Project. Automation with Python (Spreadsheet)
13.21 OOP. Classes and Objects
13.22 Project. API Request to GitLab
14. Module Overview (Automation with Python)
14.1 Introduction to Boto Library (AWS SDK for Python)
14.2 Install Boto3 and connect to AWS
14.3 Getting familiar with Boto
14.4 Terraform vs Python understand when to use which tool
14.5 Health Check. EC2 Status Checks
14.6 Write a Scheduled Task in Python
14.7 Configure Server. Add Environment Tags to EC2 Instances
14.8 EKS cluster information
14.9 Backup EC2 Volumes. Automate creating Snapshots
14.10 Automate cleanup of old Snapshots
14.11 Automate restoring EC2 Volume from the Backup
14.12 Handling Errors
14.13 Website Monitoring 1. Scheduled Task to Monitor Application Health
14.14 Website Monitoring 2. Automated Email Notification
14.15 Website Monitoring 3. Restart Application and Reboot Server
15. Module Overview (Configuration Management with Ansible)
15.1 Introduction to Ansible
15.2 Install Ansible
15.3 Setup Managed Server to Configure with Ansible
15.4 Ansible Inventory and Ansible ad hoc commands
15.5 Configure AWS EC2 server with Ansible
15.6 Managing Host Key Checking and SSH keys
15.7 Introduction to Playbooks
15.8 Modules & Collections in Ansible
15.9 Project. Deploy Nodejs application Part 1
15.10 Project. Deploy Nodejs application Part 2
15.11 Project. Deploy Nodejs application Part 3
15.12 Ansible Variables make your Playbook customizable
15.13 Project Deploy Nexus Part 1
15.14 Project Deploy Nexus Part 2
15.15 Ansible Configuration Default Inventory File
15.16 Project. Run Docker applications Part 1
15.17 Project. Run Docker applications Part 2
15.18 Project. Terraform & Ansible
15.19 Dynamic Inventory for EC2 Servers
15.20 Project. Deploying Application in K8s
15.21 Project. Run Ansible from Jenkins Pipeline Part 1
15.22 Project. Run Ansible from Jenkins Pipeline Part 2
15.23 Project. Run Ansible from Jenkins Pipeline Part 3
15.24 Ansible Roles Make your Ansible content more reusable and modular
16. Module Overview (Monitoring with Prometheus)
16.1 Introduction to Monitoring with Prometheus
16.2 Install Prometheus Stack in Kubernetesg
16.3 Data Visualization with Prometheus UI
16.4 Introduction to Grafana
16.5 Alert Rules in Prometheus
16.6 Create own Alert Rules Part 1
16.7 Create own Alert Rules Part 2
16.8 Create own Alert Rules Part 3
16.9 Introduction to Alertmanager
16.10 Configure Alertmanager with Email Receiver
16.11 Trigger Alerts for Email Receiver
16.12 Monitor Third Party Applications
16.13 Deploy Redis Exporter
16.14 Alert Rules & Grafana Dashboard for Redis
16.15 Collect & Expose Metrics with Prometheus Client Library (Monitor own App – Part 1)
16.16 Scrape Own Application Metrics & Configure Own Grafana Dashboard (Monitor own App – Part 2)
1.1 TWN Demo Projects Overview
1.2 Study Guide DevOps Pre-Requisite
1.3 Intro to DevOps Handout
2.1 Linux Checklist
2.2 Linux Handout
3. Bonus. Databases Handout
3.1 Git Checklist
3.2 Git Handout
4.1 Build Tools Checklist
4.2 Build Tools Handout
5.1 Cloud & IaaS Basics Checklist
5.2 Cloud Basics & IaaS Handout
6.1 Nexus Checklist
6.2 Nexus Handout
7.1 Docker Checklist
7.2 Docker Handout
8.1 Study Guide DevOps Core
8.2 Jenkins Handout
8.3 Jenkins Checklist
9.1 AWS Checklist
9.2 AWS Handout
10.1 Kubernetes Checklist
10.2 Kubernetes Handout
11.1 K8s on AWS Handout
11.2 Kubernetes on AWS Checklist
12.1 Terraform Checklist
12.2 Terraform Handout
13.1 Programming Checklist
13.2 Programming Handout
14.1 Automation Checklist
14.2 Automation Handout
15.1 Ansible Checklist
15.2 Ansible Handout
16.1 Prometheus Checklist
16.2 Prometheus Handout
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