English | MP4 | AVC 1920×1080 | AAC 44KHz 2ch | 9h 09m | 2.02 GB
Learn everything you need to work with Deno, the brand-new JavaScript runtime created by Node.js founder Ryan Dahl
Deno could be the next big thing – and this courses teaches it from the ground up, with real applications and practical examples!
Deno.js is a JavaScript runtime – just like Node.js is – created by the creator of Node.js.
Wait … what?
The creator of NodeJS found that Node suffers from certain problems – or that it at least could be better than it is. And Deno is the result of that thought process: It’s “a better Node”.
You can build the same kinds of apps as you can with Node but you benefit from additional strengths that are built-into Deno:
- Secure by default because of Deno’s permission system
- Deno embraces modern JavaScript features like async iterators, promises & more
- Support for both JavaScript as well as TypeScript – out of the box, without any extra compiler
- ES Module Support & URL Imports instead of local node_modules management
This course teaches Deno from the ground up, without any prior experience about Node being assumed. Such experience will help but it’s not required!
We’ll dive into Deno and we’ll build multiple apps to see how you can use Deno to build real web applications.
In detail, here’s what’s included in the course:
- What is Deno and Why is it interesting?
- Practical Examples & Demo Apps
- Core Concepts of Deno
- Working with the Runtime APIs
- Exploring the Deno Standard Library
- Creating a Web Server with Deno
- Using Third Party Modules
- Working with the Oak Framework to create Web Servers with Ease
- How to connect Deno to a Database (MongoDB)
- Rendering server-side HTML with Templating Engines & Deno
- Building a REST API with Deno
- A Detailed Comparison of Deno & Node
- A Look into the Future of Deno & Whether you should use Deno right now
Deno is very new!
It has great chances of becoming an important technology but of course it’s too early to tell right now.
However, what you learn in this course will also help you with Node development AND it will help you judge whether Deno is the right choice for you or if you maybe want to focus on Node first.
Everything is possible with this course since it’s created such that it teaches you core fundamentals that apply to both Node and Deno.
Deno knowledge will always be helpful and right now you got the chance of being one of the first to understand this brand-new technology!
Table of Contents
Welcome to this Course!
What is Deno?
Deno Setup
Writing a First Deno Program
What can you Build with Deno?
Understanding Deno’s Ecosystem
Deno’s Current Status
Course Outline – What’s Inside the Course?
How to Get the Most out of this Course
JavaScript Refresher: Introduction
What are Promises?
Understanding Async Await
Working with Iterators
Async Iterators
TypeScript Introduction: What is TypeScript?
Setting Up TypeScript
Assigning Types
Understanding Type Inference & Casting Conversion
TypeScript Configurations
Understanding Union Types
Working with Object & Array Types
Type Alias & Interfaces
Understanding Generic Types
Module Introduction
Deno’s Philosophy & Browser Compatibility
Writing Some Deno Core Code
Working with Permissions
Deno Visual Studio Code Extension
More About Core APIs
Time to Practice – Problem
Time to Practice – Solution
Understanding the Deno Program Lifecycle
Wrap Up
Module Introduction
Introducing the Standard Library
How the Web Works
Importing Standard Library Modules
A First Web Server!
Understanding the Import Syntax
Comparing Deno & Node.js (
Manipulating Response Body & Headers
Parsing Request Metadata
Parsing Request Data
Wrap Up
Module Introduction
Using the IDE
Using TypeScript
Dealing with Error Messages
Understanding Try Catch
Debugging with Breakpoints & the Debugger
Working with Denon
Using Import Maps
Wrap Up
Module Introduction
Understanding Different Kinds of Web Apps
Introducing the Oak Framework
Understanding Multiple Middleware Functions
Adding a Router & Parsing Request Bodies
A First Summary
Introducing Templating Engines
Using the EJS Templating Engine
Static Resources
Rendering Lists of Data
Adding Basic Input Validation
Handling “Not Found” Errors
Implementing a Different Folder Structure
Module Introduction
Create, Read, Update, Delete (CRUD)
Single Read & Dynamic Path Segments
Deleting Data
Updating Data
Introducing the MVC Pattern
Adding a Model
Understanding Controllers
Wrap Up
Module Introduction
Databases: What & How?
How Does Deno Connect to MongoDB?
Setting Up MongoDB
Connecting Deno to MongoDB
Inserting & Using Imports Correctly
Finding & Working with IDs
Updating & Deleting Data in the Database
Handling Errors
Module Introduction
What are REST APIs & HTTP Methods?
Designing the API
Understanding the JSON Format
Defining Routes & Controllers
Setting Up the Database Connection
Adding the Create & Find Logic in the Database
Connecting the Controller
Testing the API
Updating Data
Deleting Data
Adding a Frontend
Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)
Module Introduction
Working with Node.js
Deno vs Node
What Should you Learn?
How to Continue?
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