English | MP4 | AVC 1280×720 | AAC 44KHz 2ch | 13 Hours | 6.22 GB
Master Deno and learn to build professional scale Deno apps! The must learn technology of 2021 for JavaScript developers
Using the latest release of Deno, this course is focused on efficiency. Never spend time on confusing, out of date, incomplete tutorials anymore. Graduates of Andrei’s courses are now working at Google, Tesla, Amazon, Apple, IBM, JP Morgan, Facebook, + other top tech companies.
We guarantee you this is the most comprehensive online resource on Deno. This project based course will introduce you to all of the modern toolchain of a Deno developer in 2021. Along the way, we will build a strong foundation learning the pitfalls of Node.js, how Deno is different, and some of the ways we can still maintain the power we had with Node.js.
The curriculum is going to be very hands on as we walk you from start to finish of releasing a professional Deno project all the way into production. We will start from the very beginning by teaching you Deno basics and then going into advanced topics so you can make good decisions on architecture and tools on any of your future Deno projects.
All code is going to be provided step by step and even if you don’t like to code along, you will get access to the the full master project code so anyone signed up for the course will have their own project to put on their portfolio right away.
The topics covered in this course are:
- Deno Fundamentals
- Deno vs NodeJS
- Scripting with Deno
- Modules and Dependency Management with Deno
- Testing, Building, Debugging Deno Apps
- Error Handling
- Deno Developer Environment
- Deploying Deno Apps to production (AWS + Docker)
- Securing your Backend applications
- File Processing with Deno
- Web Development with Deno
- Working with and building RESTful APIs with Deno
- TypeScript
- How JavaScript works internally
- Deno architecture and runtime
- Performance and scalability when it comes to server side programming
- +more
That’s right. This brand new course will not only teach you the basics of Deno, but it will also teach you the latest features, advanced features, ecosystem, and tools, as well as show you how to build professional scale apps using Deno that most tutorials shy away from.
We believe that Deno is the future and the early investment now by those who are early adopters, will pay off greatly in the future. Imagine learning Node JS or React when they first came out. Imagine the advantage you would have had. We are excited about Deno and you should be too because it will change the Javascript world over the next couple of years.
Let me tell you 3 reasons why this course is unlike anything out there:
1. You will build the biggest project you will find out there using Deno. We will be using best practices where we take performance, scalability and security in mind to build production ready space launch system app . Let’s just say we don’t shy away from the advanced topics.
2. This course is taught by 2 instructors that have actually worked for some of the biggest tech firms in the world. Adam has been working as a tech lead for backend systems for top companies with revenues exceeding $50 billion, including on projects like Tesla Power Wall and Blackberry. He is also an official Deno contributor. I’m Andrei. I’ve worked for large IPOed tech firms in Silicon Valley as well as Toronto and some of my past students work at places like Google and Amazon. By having both of us teach, you get to see different perspective and learn from 2 senior developers as if we are working at a company together.
3. This course will be constantly evolving and updating as the landscape changes. Just as the Deno ecosystem evolves, we want this course to be constantly updated with lectures and resource for you to come back to, in order to find the latest Deno best practices.
What you’ll learn
- Build enterprise level Deno applications and deploy to production
- Work with real life data to build a NASA launch system, discover new planets that may contain life + other projects
- Learn to build secure, performant and scalable large scale applications like a senior developer
- Learn to lead Deno projects by making good architecture decisions and helping others on your team
- Become the top 10% Deno backend developer
- Learn the latest features and best practices in Deno
- Building RESTful APIs with Deno
- Master modern Deno fundamentals as well as advanced topics
- Learn how to use Deno in Web Development (Backend Development)
- Use Deno to write server-side JavaScript and compare the differences to NodeJS
Table of Contents
1 Course Outline
2 Join Our Online Classroom
3 Exercise Meet The Community
Deno Foundations
4 Why Deno
5 Deno Runtime And V8 Engine
6 Deno Installation
7 Quick Note Installing Deno
8 MACLINUX Installation Tips
9 WINDOWS Installation Tips
10 Setting Up Our Developer Environment
11 Quick Note Official VS Code Plugin
12 Our First Deno App
13 Exercise Our First Deno App
14 The Most Important Video
15 Deno Internals And Architecture
16 Recommended Path JavaScript Runtimes
17 Deno Metrics
18 Exercise Deno Architecture
19 Web Developer Monthly
20 Endorsements On LinkedIN
Deno vs Node
21 Deno Game Changers
22 Deno Game Changers 2
23 Will Deno Kill NodeJS
24 Single Executable To Rule Them All
25 Deno Security
26 Deno Permissions
27 Deno Permissions 2
28 Deno Permissions 3
Deno Modules And Tooling
29 How Modules Work In Deno
30 URL Modules
31 Standard Library
32 rd Party Modules
33 Deno Caching
34 Deno Caching 2
35 NPM for Deno
36 Managing Module Versions
37 Where the Bleep is package.json
38 Deps.ts
39 Locking Dependencies
40 Deno Upgrade To Latest
41 Reviewing Deno Modules
42 Deno Tooling
43 Deno Tooling 2
44 Recommended Path TypeScript
Deno File IO – Planets Project
45 Code Along
46 Reading Files With Deno
47 Async vs Sync File IO
48 Exercise Async vs Sync File IO
49 Importing The Path Module
50 Downloading Our Planets Data
51 Reading Our CSV Data
52 Exercise Resource Leaks
53 Finding Habitable Planets
54 Exploring Planets With 3rd Party Modules
55 Exercise Exploring Earth-like Planets
Exercise SpaceX Launch Data
56 Code Along
57 Recommended Path APIs
58 fetch()
59 Fetching SpaceX Launch Data
60 Exercise Making a POST Request
61 Logging
62 reload Cache For Troubleshooting
63 Exploring SpaceX Launch Data
64 Postman and Insomnia
65 Quick Note Rainbow Editor
66 SpaceX Customers Data
67 import.meta
68 Exercise import.meta
NASA Project Deno For Backend Development
69 Introduction To Backend
70 Deno Backend Frameworks And Libraries
71 Code Along
72 Quick Note Deno Versions
73 Oak
74 What Is Middleware
75 Working With Middleware
76 Reviewing Our Front End Code
77 Exercise Reviewing Our Front End Code
78 Serving Static Files
79 Exercise Fixing A Security Issue
80 Fixing Our Security Vulnerability
81 Oak Router
82 Method Not Allowed and OPTIONS
83 planets
84 Exercise Populating The Dropdown Menu
85 Planets Data To The Frontend
86 Testing With Deno
87 Testing With Deno 2
88 Testing With Deno 3
89 Quick Note Replace in Files
90 Logging In Our API
91 Error Handling
92 JavaScript Maps
93 launches
94 POST launches
95 DELETE launches
96 Managing Dependencies
97 Managing Dependencies 2
98 Adding Some Polish
NASA Project Deno Production And The Cloud (Docker AWS)
99 Deploying Our Application To The Cloud
100 Serverless vs Containers
101 Virtual Machines
102 What is a Container
103 Installing Docker
104 Running Our First Docker Container
105 Creating a Dockerfile
106 Your Docker Hub Account
107 Running Our NASA API in a Container
108 Restarting Docker Containers
109 Publishing Our Docker Image
110 Exploring Amazon Web Services
111 Creating an EC2 Instance 1
112 Creating an EC2 Instance 2 Security
113 What is SSH
114 Connecting To Our EC2 Instance With SSH
115 Setting Up Our EC2 Server
116 Deploying Our NASA API
Where To Go From Here
117 Learning Guideline
118 LinkedIn Endorsements
119 Become An Alumni
120 Coding Challenges
Bonus How JavaScript Works
121 Quick Note Upcoming Videos
122 JavaScript Engine
123 Exercise Javascript Engine
124 Inside the Engine
125 Exercise JS Engine For All
126 Interpreters and Compilers
127 Inside the V8 Engine
128 Comparing Other Languages
129 Writing Optimized Code
130 WebAssembly
131 Call Stack and Memory Heap
132 Stack Overflow
133 Garbage Collection
134 Memory Leaks
135 Single Threaded
136 Exercise Issue With Single Thread
137 Javascript Runtime
138 Node.js
139 Recommended Path Back To Deno
Bonus Learning TypeScript
140 Quick Note Upcoming Videos
141 Introduction To TypeScript
142 Dynamic vs Static Typing
143 Strongly vs Weakly Typed
144 Static Typing In JavaScript
145 Quick Note Upcoming Videos
146 OPTIONAL Installing TypeScript Compiler
147 OPTIONAL Installing Node.js TypeScript
148 TypeScript
149 TypeScript 2
150 TypeScript 3
151 Resources TypeScript Types
152 TypeScript 4
153 TypeScript 5
154 TypeScript 6
155 Resources Type VS Interface
156 TypeScript 7
157 Resources Type Assertion
158 TypeScript 8
159 TypeScript 9
160 TypeScript 10
161 Quick Note Upcoming Videos
163 JSON
164 JSON vs Form Data
165 AJAX
166 APIs
167 Bonus Lecture
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