Building Serverless Applications with Spring and AWS

Building Serverless Applications with Spring and AWS

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Go Serverless! Build, deploy & manage apps with Spring Framework & Spring Cloud Functions in AWS

Removing the concept of a “server” from your application is huge. Cloud-based infrastructure was a game changer for software development and serverless architectures is the next step in that evolution. Building serverless applications means that your developers can focus on their core product instead of worrying about managing and operating servers or runtimes, either in the cloud or on-premises. Many companies have started adopting serverless architecture for their applications to save costs and improve scalability. This course demonstrates a key strength of serverless computing in AWS using Spring.

This course will introduce you to Serverless Architecture and lead you to build a simple image-resizing service using a Java-based AWS Lambda function. Then we’ll move onto how the Spring framework supports the cloud and in particular AWS. There are a number of different services made available through Spring annotations to make your life easier.

Moving on, you’ll start to build your Spring-based, serverless application that will take a URL and convert it into a short URL that will be stored in DynamoDB and you’ll receive a short URL. You can then use that short URL in a browser and then be redirected to the real site. To demonstrate integration with AWS’ Simple Notification Service (SNS), the application will also send a notification to you whenever someone creates a new short URL. Lastly, you’ll learn about monitoring your application using AWS cloud watch.

By the end of the course, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge to build scalable and cost-efficient Spring applications with serverless architectures.

This course will be a step-by-step practical guide. The course will first provide the background of serverless computing in AWS, using out of the box examples, then will follow up with what Spring brings to the table. Finally, we’ll combine both of these to produce a simple serverless application to solidify your understanding.

What You Will Learn

  • Understand the concept of Serverless computing
  • Discover the common use cases, advantages, and limitations of serverless
  • Build a serverless application on AWS using Spring Cloud Functions
  • Enable better application interaction with AWS
  • Utilising the testing functionality in AWS
  • Use Spring Cloud Functions to implement AWS functions
  • Explore CloudWatch services to monitor your AWS Lambda functions
Table of Contents

Exploring Serverless Applications Using AWS Lambda
1 The Course Overview
2 Understanding the Concept of Serverless
3 Typical Use Cases and Benefits of Going Serverless
4 Creating and Setting Up Your AWS Account and Environment
5 Setting Up Your Development Environment
6 Overview of AWS Capabilities

Building Your First AWS Lambda Function
7 Create an Image Resizing Application
8 Setting Up Your S3 Buckets for the Images
9 Application Run Through
10 Deploy and Test the Base Application
11 Implement Image Resizing
12 Testing Your Lambda Functions

Diving into Spring Cloud Functions
13 Introduction to Spring Cloud Functions
14 Building a Spring Cloud Function
15 Preparing and Deploying Spring Cloud Functions into AWS

Building a Serverless URL Shortener
16 Create a Spring Boot Project with Spring Cloud and AWS Dependencies
17 Setting Up and Configuring Your Database in AWS RDS
18 Build the AWS Lambda Function to Create a Short Code
19 Build the AWS Lambda Function to Take a Short Code and Provide the Long URL
20 Redirecting the Browser to the Real Site Using AWS API Gateway
21 Setup SES to Send Notifications
22 Using SES and Spring to Send an Email Notification

Monitor Your Lambda Functions with AWS CloudWatch
23 Exploring AWS CloudWatch Services
24 Gather Statistics and Graph Them to Your Application
25 Setting Up Alert Feature to Notify RDS Issues