Blender Material Nodes Mastery: Create Spectacular Textures

Blender Material Nodes Mastery: Create Spectacular Textures

English | MP4 | AVC 1280×720 | AAC 44KHz 2ch | 66 lectures (12h 15m) | 10.03 GB

Create your own customisable procedural materials & textures for any Blender project.

Learn how to create any material from scratch using nodes in Blender!

This course is for you if you want to…

  • Create realistic shaders without relying on images.
  • Increase your knowledge of dozens of utility nodes for math, vector math, and colour & value manipulation.
  • Take your procedural texturing skills to the next level.
  • Create your own customisable procedural materials & textures for any Blender project.

You’ll create many different textures, from beginner to advanced level (including mud shader, wood shader and brick shader). Along the way you’ll learn a lot of advanced techniques that you can then use to make any materials you can think of.

All the while we’ll be showing you how to make your workflow more efficient and much faster, using the node wrangler add-on.

You’ll learn procedural texturing, which is where you create your materials and shaders without using any image based textures. So anytime you need a particular pattern or look you’ll create it entirely using nodes (and some interesting maths!).

This means you don’t need to worry about sourcing images or copyright issues. It also means that anytime you want to create a roughness map, or a bump map, or a normal map, you can do it right in the node editor without having to worry about figuring a way to convert your images into those other types of maps.

You can also use procedural textures to create roughness maps or dirt maps to put on your own image based textures.​

This course is suitable for all levels of Blender users. We’ll provide you with all the assets, and start from scratch with every single material you make, taking you through it step by step.

What you’ll learn

  • Create procedural shaders using the node editor.
  • Use the Node Wrangler add-on to speed up your workflow.
  • Learn the optimal way to frame, colour code and re-arrange your node trees for readability.
  • Manipulate vectors, process values and colours, and generate complex procedural textures.
  • Create custom utility nodes to speed up your workflow.
  • Build a working knowledge of Blender’s complex node-based shading environment.
  • Understand how vectors are used to place textures and values across an object.
Table of Contents

Introduction Setup
1 Section Intro Introduction Setup
2 Download Install Blender
3 Setting Up Blender
4 UI Workspaces
5 Creating Objects Navigation
6 Creating Your First Shaders
7 The Node Wrangler AddOn

Basic Shaders
8 Section introduction Basic Shaders
9 Creating a Material Template File
10 Creating a Material Library
11 Metallic Materials
12 Glossy Base Materials
13 Simple Clearcoat Shader
14 Simple Glass Shader
15 Candle Modelling Emissive Shader
16 Subsurface Scattering Materials
17 Creating a Cloth Shader Test Object
18 Simple Cloth Shaders
19 Resources for PBR Materials
20 ImageBased Shaders Displacement

Procedural Shaders
21 Section Introduction Procedural Shaders
22 Shader Nodes
23 Procedural Texture Nodes
24 Utility Nodes
25 Procedural Brushed Metal Shader
26 Procedural Car Paint Shader
27 Tile Shader
28 Simple Bricks Shader
29 Base Sand Shader
30 Sand Sculpture Shader
31 Desert Environment Displacement
32 Desert Sand Shader

Mud Shader Project
33 Section Intro Mud Shader Project
34 Mud Shader Base Displacement
35 Mud Shader Puddle Generator
36 Mud Shader Base Color and Normal Map
37 Mud Shader Final Displacement
38 Mud Shader Final Color
39 Mud Shader Final Puddles
40 Mud Shader Creating the Node Group
41 Mud Shader Water Controls
42 Mud Shader Final Controls

Creating Generators
43 Section Intro Creating Generators
44 UV Distortion Node
45 Surface Distortion Node
46 Roughness Node Creating Noise
47 Roughness Node The Node Group
48 Dirt Generator Node Initial Setup
49 Dirt Generator Node Node Group
50 Scratch Generator Node Initial Setup
51 Scratch Generator Node Node Group
52 Edge Detect Node Group
53 Using The Edge Detect Node Group
54 Easier Baking with TexTools
55 Tile Anything Node

Advanced Shaders
56 Section Intro Advanced Shaders
57 Procedural Wood Base
58 Procedural Wood Ring Variations
59 Procedural Wood Knots Color
60 Procedural Wood Color Variation
61 Procedural Wood Grain
62 Procedural Wood Saw Marks
63 Procedural Wood Realism
64 Procedural Wood Node Group
65 Procedural Brick Set Up
66 Procedural Brick Corners Profile
