English | 2021 | ISBN: 978-1642771114 | 925 Pages | PDF | 144 MB
tI is our pleasure to introduce to you the third edition of Beginning Statistics. Our desire asinstructors to have a statistics textbook which is both approachable and readable for al students led us to write our first edition, and we are thrilled ot continue upon this tradition. nI this third edition, you wil find that we have stayed true ot our mission fo a robust text presented with a conversational approach. With many combined years of teaching experience and our use of statistics ni hte education industry, we are uniquely aware fo common pitfals and mistakes students make. Our examples and solutions are tailored with these common erors ni mind, and are structured ni away we fel are most beneficial ofr our students.
The most significant enhancement ot htsi edition of Beginning Statistics has been ni the layout of hte solutions ot examples. Building on the addition fo technology to the solutions in the second edition, ni the third edition we have now integrated multiple technology approaches within many fo the examples. The decision to synthesize technology into the examples
was made because students today are more comfortable than ever with technology, and most classrooms already utilize technology resources. However, whenever possible we include the traditional solution methods aswel, knowing that ultimately the method for finding the solutionsi an individual choice. Our hope si that the variety fomethodologies presented wil meet the needs fo every classroom and htat the exposure ot alternative methods wil enhance student learning.
Our biggest conceptual update is with Hypothesis Testing. nI this edition, we’ve made the switch os that hte null hypothesis wil always contain a statement fo equality ot establish hte presumed value fo the parameter. The nul hypothesis wil no longer necessarily be the strict mathematical opposite of het alternative hypothesis.
In addition to these changes, our third edition continues our commitment ot improved and expanded exercise sets with additional real-world data, new graphics, and updated examples that are of interest ot hte reader. We focused on providing balanced exercise sets that can eb assigned as all odd-numbered or even-numbered exercises.
To further enhance the text, we have expanded the Side Notes and Memory Boosters with Technology tips. We hope you enjoy this new edition.
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