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GIS is hot – take your python skills to new levels and greatly increase your career options.
The global Geographic Information System (GIS) market is expected to by worth over ten billion dollars by 2023, and is growing at a huge rate.
Developers who are skilled with appropriate GIS software are already in high demand and the demand is growing.
At the GIS Stack Exchange – the spatial library for Python – the most questions asked are for ArcPy, which provides a Python API to Esri’s flagship product ArcGIS Desktop and its two main applications (ArcGIS Pro and ArcMap).
Consequently, there has never been a better time for Python developers to add ArcPy skills to their repertoire.
This course is primarily designed to introduce Python developers to the ArcPy classes and functions for working with ArcGIS Pro. It will also introduce them to many aspects of the ArcGIS Pro GUI, so that they are well placed to understand the requirements of the end users for the applications that they write.
While relatively little Python experience is needed to undertake the course, the Python classes and functions used may be easier to understand if you have already undertaken introductory Python training – such as the Learn Programming Academy’s Python Masterclass.
The course is also suitable for ArcGIS Pro end users who wish to learn ArcPy, but they may need to embark on a steep Python learning curve, if they have minimal skills in that language.
Most sections of this course can be taken in any order. You just need to download the data, and check that you have ArcGIS Pro and your Python IDE working first.
NOTE: Paid software is required to take this course.
The course requires only a Basic level license of ArcGIS Desktop (which includes ArcGIS Pro), and no extension products need to be licensed in order to complete all exercises.
If you do not have an ArcGIS Desktop license, then for about $100-150 per annum it is possible to use an Advanced level license and many of the extension products for non-commercial purposes (like taking this course!), via Esri’s ArcGIS for Personal Use program (details inside the course).
It is also possible to undertake a 21-day free trial of ArcGIS Pro (details also inside the course).
The recommendation is to take the 21-day free trial to get started.
This course starts by examining the various places that Python code can be used within the ArcGIS Pro application, and how Python code can be written using a Python IDE to interact with ArcGIS Pro as either a standalone script or a Python script tool.
You will then be taken on a tour of the most commonly used ArcPy functions and classes for geoprocessing, followed by tours of its modules for data access and mapping.
The scenarios chosen, to illustrate how each function and class is used, are derived from the presenter’s experience working with ArcPy and Python for almost 10 years, and with Esri software for 30 years.
Your instructor, Graeme Browning has been using the Esri software on a daily basis for over 30 years, 8 years of which he has spent using ArcPy. Graeme has also spent 18 years with Esri UK and Esri Australia working in different roles from Senior GIS Analyst to Technical Director.
He is also ranked in GIS Stack Exchange as the all-time, worldwide:
#1 user of ArcPy
#1 user of ArcGIS Desktop
#2 user of ArcGIS Pro
#5 user of all GIS products
Graeme has also received the Esri High Achievement Award by Jack Dangermond (President).
He has already developed nearly 20 one-day courses and half-day workshops for instructor-led delivery and along with that, nearly 20 eLearning video courses.
So if you’re looking for the perfect instructor to teach you the best practices in learning ArcPy for Python, Graeme is the best one there is!
Key Topics to be covered are :
- Using ArcPy and Python in multiple interfaces within and alongside ArcGIS Pro
- Python window
- Python IDE (e.g. IDLE)
- Python Script Tools
- Python Toolbox Tools
- Python Parser for Field Calculating and Labeling
- Using ArcPy Modules, Classes and Functions
- Working with the search, update and insert cursors of ArcPy’s Data Access Module (arcpy.da)
- Performing GIS Inventory by Listing Data, Describing Data and Walking System Folders and Spatial Datasets
- Using the Mapping module for map automation using project, map, layer, layout, map frame, extent, camera, spatial reference, text, graphics, legends, scale bars, north arrows, pictures and many other object classes
- Working with Map Series to meet simple through to complex Map Book requirements
- Finding your way around ArcGIS Pro’s very extensive ArcPy/Python documentation
- Working with Point, Line and Polygon Geometries
- Setting the Geoprocessing Environment
- Getting and Setting Parameters for Python Script Tools
- Creating test data
- Exporting map layouts to PDF
Enrolling in this course is the best decision you can make!
The course focuses on teaching ArcPy in-depth from the basics through to advanced
It’s 3-4 times the length of any other ArcPy course, and designed to accommodate many more lectures and challenges on not just ArcGIS Pro, but also ArcMap
Plus, it teaches ArcPy for ArcGIS Pro which was only released in 2015, while other ArcPy courses typically use only the older ArcMap! You are getting the most up to date learning!
By the end of this course, you will have the necessary skills needed to become an expert in ArcPy using ArcGIS Pro and apply it to your own programs such as Map Automation and Geoprocessing.
The ideal student would be someone with a basic knowledge of Python who is eager to improve their skills and take them to the next level by learning ArcPy using ArcGIS pro.
The sooner you sign up for this course, the sooner you will have the skills and knowledge that would put you among the list of in demand Python developers!
What you’ll learn
- Learn to write GIS applications using Python tools and applications for ArcGIS.
- Become highly skilled in using ArcPy/Python with ArcGIS Pro.
- Be able to apply for GIS, Geospatial, or Spatial Developer job positions.
- Be a Python developer who specializes in ArcPy, which is in demand to GIS projects undertaken by different industries.
Table of Contents
1 Introduction to the Course
2 Introduction to ArcPy, ArcGIS Pro and Spatial Data
ArcGIS Pro, Python and Data Setup
3 ArcGIS Pro Licensing Options
4 Checking Setup for ArcGIS Pro and PythonIDLEArcPy
5 Downloading Natural Earth Data
6 Deleting Data for Section Resetting
Python Interfaces for ArcGIS Pro
7 Using Python Window of ArcGIS Pro
8 Using a Python IDE (IDLE)
9 Writing a Simple Python Script Tool
10 Using Python Functions
11 Using Python Parser for Labeling
12 Using Python Parser for Calculating Fields
13 Using Python Parser for Calculating Values in ModelBuilder
14 Using ArcGIS Notebooks
ArcPy Documentation for ArcGIS Pro
15 ArcGIS Pro Help Overview
16 ArcGIS Pro Tool Reference
17 ArcGIS Pro Python Reference
Using Geoprocessing Tools to Automate Workflows
18 Creating Project for Geoprocessing Framework Section
19 Workflow Using Tool Dialogs
20 Workflow Using Geoprocessing History
21 Workflow Using Python IDE
22 Workflow Using Python Script Tool with Pick List
23 Workflow Using Python Toolbox Tool
24 Workflow Using Model Tool
Setting the Geoprocessing Environment for ArcPy
25 Using Environment Setting to Overwrite Output
26 Using Environment Setting to Set Current Workspace
27 Using Environment Setting to Set Extent for Geoprocessing
Performing GIS Inventory
28 ArcGIS Pro End User View of Data
29 Listing Workspaces, Feature Datasets and Feature Classes
30 Listing Tables and Fields
31 Describing Data Using arcpy.Describe() to Create Describe Objects
32 Describing Data Using arcpy.da,Describe() to Create Dictionaries
33 Walking Data Using arcpy.da.Walk() to Create Lists
Working with Geometries
34 Creating Fishnet Feature Classes for Testing
35 Copying Geometry Objects from Feature Class
36 Creating Point and MultiPoint Geometry Objects from Scratch
37 Creating Singlepart and Multipart Polyline and Polygon Geometry Objects
38 Working with Geometry Methods
Working with Cursors from Data Access Module (arcpy.da)
39 Using arcpy.da.SearchCursor() to Iterate Features and Rows
40 Using arcpy.da.SearchCursor() to read Geometries via SHAPE@ tokens
41 Using arcpy.da.SearchCursor() to create Python Lists and Sets
42 Using arcpy.da.SearchCursor() to create Python Dictionaries
43 Using arcpy.da.UpdateCursor() to Perform Edits
44 Using arcpy.da.InsertCursor() to Create a Table
45 Using arcpy.da.InsertCursor() to Insert a Geometry into a Feature Class
46 Using arcpy.da.InsertCursor() to create a Table-like Feature Class
Using Mapping Module (arcpy.mp) from Python Window of ArcGIS Pro
47 Working with ArcGISProject, Map and Layer Classes in ArcGIS Pro
48 Working with Layout and MapFrame Classes in ArcGIS Pro
49 Zooming Using Camera and Extent Classes in ArcGIS Pro
Arranging Layout Elements around Map Frames using a Python IDE (IDLE)
50 Using PDF Map for Quick Testing from a Python IDE (IDLE)
51 Working with Text Elements
52 Working with Graphic Elements
53 Working with Picture Elements
54 Working with Mapsurround Elements (North Arrow and Scale Bar)
55 Working with Legend Elements
Making Dynamic Maps and Map Series
56 Enabling Map Series on ArcGIS Pro Layout to Export PDF
57 Using MapSeries Class to Export PDF from Map Series-enabled Layout
58 Zooming to and Making PDF Map Book of Countries Using Python IDE (IDLE)
59 Authoring Project to Support Multiple Zone Coordinate Systems in Map Series
60 Writing Code to Support Multiple Zone Coordinate Systems in Map Series
Working with Bookmarks
61 Creating Bookmarks in ArcGIS Pro
62 Using Bookmarks from the Python Window
63 Making Feature Class of Rectangular Polygons from Bookmarks
64 Two Ways to Make PDF Map Books from Bookmarks
Printing, Updating and Fixing Data Sources
65 Viewing Data Sources using ArcPy in Python Window
66 Changing Data Source of Layer in Map
67 Changing Data Source of Layer File
68 Fixing Broken Links of Maps and Projects
Working with Layer Symbology
69 Changing Symbol using Symbology, SimpleRenderer and Symbol Classes
70 Challenge Change Color and Size of Symbols for Point Layer
71 Using UniqueValueRenderer Class
72 Using GraduatedColorsRenderer Class (includes Challenge)
73 Introduction to Python Cartographic Information Model (CIM) Access
74 Challenge Change Symbol for Line Layer using CIM Access from Python IDE
Using Python Script Tool Parameters
75 Getting Parameters for Python Script Tools
76 Setting Parameters for Python Script Tools
Extra Information – Source code, and other stuff
77 Bonus Lecture and Information
78 Source Codes
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